How to Simplify Your Contested Divorce on Long Island

How to Simplify Your Contested Divorce on Long Island

How to Simplify Your Contested Divorce on Long Island

Getting a divorce is emotionally tumultuous, regardless of how necessary it is for the well-being of yourself and your family. It’s not difficult for a divorce to become contentious when you and your ex-spouse disagree on the most important matters related to the dissolution of your marriage, including child custody and visitation, property division or spousal support or alimony.

A contentious contested divorce is stressful and costly for everyone involved. Not only is divorce litigation expensive, it’s also time-consuming and emotionally draining. If you have children, litigating your divorce can have an even greater negative impact on them. In an ideal world you will find ways to dissolve your marriage as quickly and smoothly as possible with the least amount of fallout on everyone involved.

Here are some ways you can uncomplicate your contested divorce and how to get legal help when it looks like divorce is your next best option.


3 Tips to Keep Your Contested Divorce Uncontentious

3 Tips to Keep Your Contested Divorce Uncontentious

3 Tips to Keep Your Contested Divorce Uncontentious

A contested divorce on Long Island is a divorce where you and your ex-spouse do not agree on one or more issues of the divorce. For example, if you and your spouse are unable to agree on child custody arrangements and neither party is willing to compromise, the divorce becomes contested and a judge must decide for you how to award custody. (more…)

How to Prepare Your Family for Long Island Divorce Litigation

How to Prepare Your Family for Long Island Divorce Litigation

How to Prepare Your Family for Long Island Divorce Litigation

No couple on Long Island truly wants to go through divorce litigation, but sometimes it’s necessary to protect your best interests and the best interests of your children. You might have heard stories of other divorced couples who had a contested divorce and went through litigation, and it’s unlikely they made you feel at ease. Litigation can be challenging, yes, but it gets a bad reputation. If you come into it with the right attitude and the right expectations, you can come away from it with a resolution you can be satisfied with. Here’s how you can prepare your family (and yourself) for a litigious divorce. (more…)

Top 10 Tips for Surviving a Bitter Divorce on Long Island, NY

Top 10 Tips for Surviving a Bitter Divorce on Long Island, NY

Top 10 Tips for Surviving a Bitter Divorce on Long Island, NY

Preparing for a Contentious Divorce on Long Island  

A contentious divorce can be one of the most traumatic and life-altering experiences a person can endure. In addition to the loss of a cherished relationship, people going through a divorce face the potential loss of assets, property, time with children, and more. As normalcy drains from your life, you need to take measures to safeguard your finances, your rights, and your security. Most of all, you must bolster your psyche against a storm of emotion.


Common Issues of Contention During Your Long Island Divorce

Common Issues of Contention During Your Long Island Divorce

Common Issues of Contention During Your Long Island Divorce

As experienced Long Island divorce attorneys, we often see how Uncontested divorces become highly Contested divorces over the same issues. These issues often become so heated that they often seem insurmountable obstacles to obtaining your Final Judgment of Divorce. Below are some of the most common issues that cause parties the most stress.

Child Support, Child Custody & Visitation (more…)