6 Myths About Long Island Prenuptial Agreements

6 Myths About Long Island Prenuptial Agreements

6 Myths About Long Island Prenuptial Agreements

Prenuptial agreements are one of the most commonly misunderstood family legal documents. Here are six myths about prenups, debunked, and where to get help from an experienced Long Island family lawyer.


How to Digitally Mediate Your Long Island Divorce from Home

How to Digitally Mediate Your Long Island Divorce from Home

How to Digitally Mediate Your Long Island Divorce from Home

As technology grows and becomes more necessary every day, couples are looking for ways to accomplish important tasks from home, including mediating a divorce digitally.

In the era of COVID-19, working from home is the norm, and divorcing from home may also become a necessity. Divorce mediation is one way to dissolve your marriage, and while traditionally it has been done in attorney’s offices or conference rooms, it can also be done online. Here’s what you should know about digitally mediating your divorce from home.


How to Get the Most Out of Divorce Mediation

How to Get the Most Out of Divorce Mediation

How to Get the Most Out of Divorce Mediation

Divorce Mediation can be an excellent way to finalize your divorce if you and your ex-spouse are in agreement about some issues related to your separation and are willing to negotiate or reach a compromise on others. Find out if you need an attorney for your mediation on Long Island and if so, how can you get the most legal support for your money.

Learn About Legal Support During Mediation

An attorney is not legally necessary for mediation, but they are highly beneficial to ensure that your rights and best interests are protected throughout the process. Take some time to learn about what an attorney’s role is during mediation and how they provide support for you. Divorce mediators, for example, can provide legal information but not legal advice. They can discuss with you Long Island child custody laws, but they cannot tell you what you ought to do in your child custody case. Your lawyer, however, can let you know what your legal options are and which actions would be in your family’s best interest.


Top 5 Benefits of Long Island Divorce Mediation

Top 5 Benefits of Long Island Divorce Mediation

Top 5 Benefits of Long Island Divorce Mediation

No one looks forward to a messy divorce. It’s difficult enough reaching the decision to get a divorce in the first place and coping with the end of your marriage. A litigious divorce can add insult to injury, or rather, injury on top of injury. Divorce Mediation, however, can be a tool to help you and your ex-spouse reach agreement on the various aspects of the divorce, without the need to go to court. Here’s how you may be able to benefit from Long Island divorce mediation. (more…)

Alternative Dispute Resolution Can Save Time, Money & Stress in Long Island Divorce

Alternative Dispute Resolution Can Save Time, Money & Stress in Long Island Divorce

Alternative Dispute Resolution Can Save Time, Money & Stress in Long Island Divorce

When most people on Long Island consider divorce, they often think of the worst case scenarios they’ve heard about:

  • A long, drawn out process that costs each side tens of thousands of dollars.
  • Fighting with their spouse throughout the divorce process.
  • Having a contentious relationship with their ex-spouse with little, if any, positive communication.
  • Having a difficult time attempting to find agreement to co-parent their children.

It doesn’t have to be this way. (more…)

What is Divorce Mediation on Long Island?

What is Divorce Mediation on Long Island?

Divorce Attorney Consultation

As an experienced Long Island Divorce Attorney and Divorce Mediator, many couples have come to me seeking alternative methods to the infamous Contested Divorce. Divorce Mediation is something that does not receive a lot of attention, as the process lends itself to amicable and peaceful resolutions, but it is a process that should be utilized more often, if feasible.

Mediation for Unmarried Couples on Long Island

Mediation for Unmarried Couples on Long Island

Divorce Attorney Consultation

Many unmarried couples on Long Island are unaware that they can utilize divorce mediation to sort out their affairs when they break up. In New York and in many other states, divorce mediation can be used for unmarried couples as well as for those who are married. In fact, it is increasingly common that couples who never married seek the services of a divorce mediator to resolve the issues in their breakup. Mediation can help to avoid the time and expense of taking an ex to court to assert your rights to certain property or over your children in common.

Collaborative Law and Divorce Mediation: Which is Right for You on Long Island?

Collaborative Law and Divorce Mediation: Which is Right for You on Long Island?

Divorce Attorney Consultation

As a Divorce Mediator and Collaborative Law Attorney on Long Island, I have found that many people have questions about the difference between Divorce Mediation and Collaborative law and which one might be best for their particular situation.

If you are contemplating or preparing for divorce, it is important to understand that there are several options available to you. Divorce is not always the horrible, volatile legal battle that many believe it to be. Instead, there are options like Divorce Mediation and Collaborative Divorce that have been developed as a way to circumvent a lengthy, expensive, and exhausting court battle between you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse. (more…)