Family Law Attorney, Long Island, NY
Protect Yourself & Your Children Contact Us for a Free ConsultationCall 631-923-1910
Don’t Let Yourself be Taken Advantage Of
Protect Your Children from a Physically or Emotionally Abusive Spouse
How to Get Full Custody of Your Children
Ensure Your Spouse Supports Your Children
Ensure You See & Maintain Your Relationship with Your Children
Has Your Financial Situation Changed? You May Be Able to Modify Your Support Agreement
The Family Law Attorneys at Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. are proud to help ease the stressful emotional burden of families throughout Long Island by successfully representing them in their Family Court cases. Issues being brought before the Long Island Family Courts are often very complex and emotional. We look forward to lightening your load and advocating for your and your children’s rights.
Protect Your Children from an Emotionally Abusive Spouse
Regrettably, Domestic Violence is a problem that runs rampant across Long Island. Domestic Violence is a pattern of abusive behaviors by one partner against another or one partner against children. An abusive spouse or partner may manifest his or her anger in the form of physical aggression, assault, threats, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, stalking, controlling behavior, or economic deprivation.
No one wants their children to grow up in such an environment. We work tirelessly to make sure that you and your children are protected from this pattern of abuse. We have successfully advocated for countless clients in the same or a similar situation, and will do the same for you.
Receive Full Custody of Your Children
Child Custody is a parent’s legal right to be in charge of his or her child’s upbringing. Both parents have the legal right to request Custody and Visitation of their children during pending divorce proceedings. If you are not awarded Custody, you may still be entitled to Visitation with your children.
In order to receive Full Custody of your child, the courts must determine that it is in the best interest of your child. We typically attempt to negotiate with your spouse and reach an amicable conclusion to your matter. However, if the State or County is involved, we will work with you to guide you through the processes necessary to getting Full Custody. We have worked with countless clients in gaining, and keeping, Full Custody of their children.
Ensure Your Spouse Supports Your Children
Child Support is an ongoing obligation placed upon the non-custodial parent (the parent who does not have residential custody of the children) that the State requires a parent to meet each month. We have years of experience helping clients like you resolve issues of Child Support. Our attorneys are well versed in the Child Support Standards Act, which governs New York State Child Support cases and we will use that experience to assist you.
Based upon the Child Support Standards Act, there is a very strict formula the Courts use to determine the noncustodial parent’s Child Support obligation of the non-custodial parent. You are, however, free to agree upon a child support agreement outside of the Court formula.
Having an experienced Family Law Attorney assist you in determining a Child Support Agreement is invaluable to your children’s needs. For most families, regular Child Support Payments are absolutely critical in order to live and survive on Long Island. There is no reason that you should carry that burden by yourself. We have zealously advocated and helped countless clients and their children to ensure they are taken care of financially.
Want to Modify your Child Support?
Are You Entitled to a Child Support Modification?
Has your financial situation changed since your Child Support Agreement was set?
Can you no longer afford to pay high Child Support payments?
Is Your Ex Not Paying His or Her Fair Share?
We Can Help
By statute, there are three ways to obtain a Modification.
#1. you to prove a substantial change in circumstance
#2. 3 years have passed since the order was entered, last modified or adjusted
#3. there has been a change in either party’s gross income by 15% or more since the order was entered, last modified or adjusted.
*It is possible, however, to opt-out of the last two provisions.
In order to assist you in seeking your Child Support Modification, and ensure that you meet the proper standards to seek such a modification, it is important to contact us for a free case evaluation right away. We have helped many clients receive all that they are entitled to in their Upward Modification, and have helped others readjust their obligations in their Downward Modification.
To learn more about what you need to know about Family Law Courts on Long Island and how to get help to protect yourself and your future, visit this page:
Call 631-923-1910 or fill in the form below

Horberger Verbitsky, P.C. partners Robert E. Hornberger, Esq. and Christine M. Verbitsky, Esq.
Get your complimentary consultation and case evaluation with our experienced Suffolk County divorce lawyers or family law attorneys today.
Your attorney will describe the many options available and determine together which is the right solution for you. By the end of this conversation, we’ll all understand how we can best help you to move forward.
No Cost or Obligation
There is no cost or obligation for this initial consultation. It is simply an opportunity for us to get to know each other, answer your questions and learn if Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. is the right law firm for you. Give us a call at 631-923-1910 or fill in the short form below for your free consultation and case evaluation.
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