How Long Island Divorce Can Be Hardest on Men


How Long Island Divorce Can Be Hardest on Men

No matter what side of the fence you are on, getting a divorce is difficult at best. The process can be frustrating, time-consuming, emotional and lonely for both parties. But contrary to popular belief, divorce may be more challenging for men in the relationship than women. Women often have more support around them during and after a divorce, while men frequently travel the path alone.

Men tend to struggle more with the end of their marriage than women do, aside from circumstances involving alimony or spousal support. They are often lonelier, more depressed, and struggle more with finding value in single life. Here’s why and how to get help from a veteran Long Island divorce attorney.

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Men Are Less Likely to Seek Outside Support During Divorce

Unfortunately, men are often taught by society that they shouldn’t display their emotions or be upset about things that happened to them. Few men are encouraged to talk about their feelings. This makes it much less likely for men to seek external support when their marriage begins to fail or during the process of divorce.

Often, men may be reluctant to seek professional help or may even refuse to talk to friends and family about the situation. Most women, on the other hand, are taught from a young age how to share their feelings with their peers. It’s also seems to be more socially acceptable for women to seek help from therapists, counselors, or psychiatrists.

Men Are Often Kept from Their Children After Divorce

Although New York recognizes a child needs to have a meaningful relationship with both of their parents, for a number of reasons, women are still awarded custody of their children in a divorce more often than not. This leaves fathers with less time to spend with their children, and in some cases, they may be prohibited from visiting with their children at all.

Despite this custody imbalance, the state of New York still holds fathers financially responsible for their children and even men who have limited or no visitation with their children may be ordered to pay child support. Men in these scenarios often need to spend an exorbitant amount of money for legal representation to fight for their parental rights to have access to their children.

Men May Be More Prone to Suicide After a Divorce

Although women are thought to be more emotional than men, men may simply have a harder time expressing their feelings. As a result, men are often more prone to suicidal ideation and suicide attempts during and after a divorce than women. This may be a direct result societal pressures and the difficulty men have in seeking outside support, leaving many men may see suicide as the only option when they feel like they have no one else to turn to.

Because men are less likely to seek counseling or therapy and they are less likely to engage in self-harm behavior, family and friends are often blindsided by a suicide attempt they never saw coming. If you know a man who is currently going through the process of divorce or has just gotten one, reach out to him and let him know that you are available to provide him with support and friendship during this difficult time. You might also be able to encourage him to seek professional support.

Men May Rush a Rebound Relationship After Divorce

Many men rush into their next romantic relationship after getting a divorce, often in an attempt to keep crushing loneliness at bay. This is only a temporary fix though, and men who do this quickly realize that the new relationship is not a good replacement for their marriage, nor is it helpful in the long term for their emotional management of the divorce.

Some men may even quickly get married again, not understanding that they need more time alone to process their emotions and learn to live independently from their wives. This poses even more of a problem if the second marriage also does not work out and another divorce becomes necessary.

How An Experienced Divorce Lawyer Can Help Men Deal with Divorce

If you are faced with the possibility or probability of getting a divorce, it’s important that you have experienced legal representation on your side. At Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C., we have the skills and expertise needed to represent you during divorce negotiations and in court should your case proceed to litigation. Contact us today by calling 631-923-1910 or fill out the short form on this page.


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