no fault divorce nassau suffolk long island nyWith the rise in divorce rates over the last few decades, the public, political figures, and scholars have all questioned the ease with which married couples can dissolve a marriage through No-Fault Divorce on Long Island and throughout the U.S. People from all walks of live have expressed concern over the increase in single-parent families. Some perceive the rise in divorce rates as a threat to what they consider the “Traditional American Familial Structure”: two parents raising their children collectively. Proponents of preserving “The Nuclear Family” structure argue that single-parent families are severely lacking in the core moral values that the nuclear family has promoted over the past century or more.

Is Divorce Immoral?

There have been several theories investigating the question as to why divorce rates have steadily increased over time. One theory in particular suggests that “parental selfishness” is responsible for the dissolution of marriages. They further believe that the prevalence and acceptance of single-parent families itself breeds more single-family households. However, these theories are not universal and are highly controversial. Many others argue that single-parent families should not be stigmatized for being “Non-Traditional”. While controversial, proponents of dual parent families essentially promote that the presence of both parents in a child’s life is critical to maintain a healthy family. They further suggest that supporting or encouraging easy access to divorce, which they believe results in the further breakdown of the traditional family structure, is in a sense immoral because they claim it is damaging to the children of the divorced parents.

Should Parents Sacrifice a Healthy, Happy Life for their Children?

Should Divorced Parents be Shunned?

Traditional Family Value proponents’ belief system revolves around the notion that responsible parents remain married and that this enables them to be self-sufficient, and financially stable. They believe that parents must make sacrifices for their families even if doing so results in spousal inequality or overall unhappiness within a marriage. Ultimately, proponents of this perspective feel that single-parent families are immoral and the public should turn away from accepting such non-traditional families.

Another Theory Regarding the Morality of Divorce

A drastically different theory regarding the morality of divorce attributes personal happiness to an individual’s decision to file for divorce. Rather than condemning non-traditional families for lacking in core moral values, proponents of this theory emphasize that families act responsibly, rather than attempt to maintain the Traditional Nuclear Family structure at any cost. In essence, proponents of this theory are far less concerned with whether a family is considered Traditional or Non-traditional and more concerned with whether the family is adequately supported.

Support for Core Values Within Any Family Unit

This particular train of thought accepts, and even embraces, Non-traditional families, provided the family unit promotes certain core values, including: equality, commitment, support, and nurturance. This type of approach in consideration of the family structure undoubtedly takes into account the fact that Family Law in the U.S. has evolved and changed over the last few decades. It recognizes that finding “Fault” should not have to be established by parties seeking a divorce. Proponents on this side of the argument believe that Fault-based divorce is what is wrong with trying to preserve the nuclear family at all costs. They believe that Fault-based divorce not only makes divorce more difficult legally, but also emotionally and financially and is contrary to the health and happiness of all members of the family. 

No-Fault Divorce Helps Resolve Gender Inequality and Domestic Violence Issues

Furthermore, this theory identifies and tries to resolve gender inequality in marriage and in divorce and additionally emphasizes the dangers associated with domestic violence and the damage it can do to the family unit. Lastly, this theory also recognizes the rights of unwed fathers as they pertain to child custody. All in all, this theory is one of progression that promotes the acceptance of all families: Traditional or Non-traditional.

Does Ease of Divorce Promote Relationship Laziness?

Although many would agree that society should be more willing to accept non-traditional families rather than shun them, the question still remains as to whether the reinforcement of the traditional family structure is useful in preserving what American society views as its core “fundamental values”. While suggesting that parties remain unhappily married can have a damaging effect on each member of the family unit, single-parent families do tend to face more adversity than families consisting of two parents raising children collectively. The question seems to be whether individual family members remaining in an unhappy or dangerous marriage face more adversity. Moreover, some may argue that marriage should be considered a serious commitment that should not be taken lightly and that the current trend in the acceptance of the Non-Traditional family promotes a certain lack of seriousness and lack of effort that used to exist in personal relationships.

Evolving Preconceived Notions of ‘Typical’ American Family on Long Island

Whatever the case may be, we cannot deny that most of American culture has changed in terms of how we view the family. Consequently, we must question whether to do away with our preconceived notions of what the “typical American family” ought to look like and accept that one person’s set of moral values can be different from another’s.

Questions? Need No Fault Divorce Help on Long Island?

Do you have questions about No-Fault Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Collaborative or Divorce Litigation on Long Island, NY? We’re here to help. Call us at 631-923-1910 or fill out the short form on this page for a free consultation in our comfortable Melville offices convenient to Nassau County and Suffolk County residents.