Divorce Mediation Suffolk County

Divorce Mediation Keeps You Out of Suffolk County Court

Divorce Mediator Suffolk CountyAs a divorce mediator in Suffolk County, NY, our number one goal is to help couples find areas of agreement through divorce mediation. Typically, divorce mediation involves you, your spouse, your divorce mediator, and in some cases, neutral experts, if necessary. As the divorce mediator, we are a neutral party who is there to help you and your spouse discover common ground that will allow you both to avoid the bitter disputes so common in a contested divorce. Divorce mediation is a completely voluntary process; as mediators, we are there to help you sort things out, not to act as a judge. We will advise and guide you, but we won’t make choices for you, nor force you to agree to anything.

Two Methods of Divorce Mediation on Long Island

Divorce Mediation can work in one of two ways. If practical, you and your spouse will meet with one of our divorce mediators together to address issues that have been previously identified. If it appears that meeting together in the same room will not be beneficial, you and your spouse can request to have private sessions with your divorce mediator, with the mediator going back and forth between the two rooms.

Private Divorce Mediator Sessions in Suffolk County, NY

Although the second option may seem inefficient, there can be benefits to utilizing this method. With you and your spouse in separate rooms, you may feel more free to speak honestly and as your divorce mediator, we can take more time to understand your position, leading to less bitter feelings and irrational actions.

Every Couple is Unique & Every Case is Different

While Divorce Mediation is most often a much quicker process than Divorce Litigation, every couple and every case is unique in its complexity and will take more or less effort to resolve. Divorce Mediation can vary in length from a single session that lasts only a few hours, to several sessions lasting weeks or months. In comparison, the average litigated contested divorce will last more over a year, and really contentious ones can drag on for many years, increasing attorney bills exponentially.

Divorce Mediator that is Completely Confidential

All discussions with your Suffolk County Divorce Mediator are completely confidential. In the unlikely event that you cannot resolve your issues through divorce mediation, as your mediator, we cannot be called upon to testify in court, nor may you or your spouse disclose in court what options or offers were discussed in our divorce mediation sessions.

Call Us to Learn More About Divorce Mediation in Suffolk County

To learn more about Divorce Mediators on Long Island and how they can save you time, money and stress, visit this page: Divorce Mediator Long Island | Nassau County & Suffolk County. At Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. our divorce mediator in Suffolk County, NY are divorce lawyers who help Long Islanders divorce or separate at a fraction of the cost of a typical litigated matter using proven Divorce and Mediation techniques and strategies. Give us a call today at 631-923-1910 to talk to us about how we can help you resolve your divorce faster, less expensively and with less stress for you, your spouse and your children.