How to Get the Most Out of Divorce Mediation

by | Dec 14, 2019 | Divorce Mediation, NY

Divorce Mediation can be an excellent way to finalize your divorce if you and your ex-spouse are in agreement about some issues related to your separation and are willing to negotiate or reach a compromise on others. Find out if you need an attorney for your mediation on Long Island and if so, how can you get the most legal support for your money.

Learn About Legal Support During Mediation

An attorney is not legally necessary for mediation, but they are highly beneficial to ensure that your rights and best interests are protected throughout the process. Take some time to learn about what an attorney’s role is during mediation and how they provide support for you. Divorce mediators, for example, can provide legal information but not legal advice. They can discuss with you Long Island child custody laws, but they cannot tell you what you ought to do in your child custody case. Your lawyer, however, can let you know what your legal options are and which actions would be in your family’s best interest.

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Get Your Timing Right to Save Money

You can reduce the cost of attorney support during mediation by going through the discovery process prior to consulting your lawyer. You’ll need to take a comprehensive inventory of your assets, including separate property, marital property, debt, income, and other key financial information. Your attorney can help you gather this information, but if you’re able to do so prior to mediation, you can provide them to your lawyer and move forward with the process versus spending additional time and money going through discovery with your attorney.

‘An experienced attorney can be an extraordinarily valuable asset during your Long Island divorce mediation. Even if you have no plans to enter into litigation with your ex-spouse, your lawyer can provide you with legal support throughout the mediation process and ensure that you don’t agree to any settlement not in your and your family’s best interest.’

Establish Reasonable Expectations on Both Sides

You and your attorney should go over what your expectations are for each side. If your goal is to negotiate a divorce settlement as amicably as possible through mediation, your attorney should know this upfront so they can tailor their strategy to your specific needs. Make sure your attorney is comfortable pursuing the case in the manner you expect and ask your lawyer what expectations they have for you entering into the mediation process, such as maintaining a certain level of civility during negotiations with your ex-spouse.

Clarify Your Divorce Mediator’s Involvement

You’ll also want to clarify the level of involvement that your attorney has in your case. When clear boundaries exist regarding an attorney’s involvement, your lawyer doesn’t spend extra time, effort, and money working outside of mediation or in-office meetings with you. If pursuing litigation is absolutely off the table, let your lawyer know so mediation sessions stay productive and focused on non-litigious resolution tactics.

Going Through a Divorce in New York? Get Attorney Support During Your Mediation

If you’re considering getting a divorce or have been served divorce papers by your soon-to-be-ex-spouse, it’s important that you obtain legal counsel as soon as possible. Protecting your interests and the interests of your children (if applicable) is key to successfully dissolving your marriage. Divorce mediation can be a great fit for families who want as little conflict, cost, and commitment as possible when resolving matters relate to the divorce. While mediation may not be the best choice for all divorcing couples, it benefits many Long Island residents looking to keep their divorce as low-key as they can.

An experienced attorney can be an extraordinarily valuable asset during your Long Island divorce mediation. Even if you have no plans to enter into litigation with your ex-spouse, your lawyer can provide you with legal support throughout the mediation process and ensure that you don’t agree to any settlement not in your and your family’s best interest. They’ll help finalize your agreement to be legally enforceable and minimize the potential of re-negotiation or legal action in the future.

Contact Our Long Island Divorce Law Firm Today

Don’t wait to get legal help for your Long Island divorce. At Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C., we have the expertise and skills needed to provide you with comprehensive legal advocacy during mediation. In the rare event that we’re not able to help you resolve all the issues related to your divorce, we can assist you in pursuing a fair settlement through litigation. Contact us today for a free consultation and case evaluation to discuss more about what legal options are available to you and which are in your best interest. Call now at 631-923-1910.

For more information, visit our Comprehensive Guide to Long Island Divorce Mediation.


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