Expert Divorce Guidance on Marital Property in New York

Expert Divorce Guidance on Marital Property in New York

Expert Divorce Guidance on Marital Property in New York

Key Highlights of this Article on Marital Property in NY

When it comes to splitting up stuff in a divorce, knowing the rules is super important in New York, where the courts use a principle known as equitable distribution.

  • In New York equitable distribution, things are divided fairly but not always 50/50.
  • Items you accumulate while you are married, like houses, cars, money saved up or businesses, all counts as marital property.
  • On the flip side, separate property is what you had before getting married or if someone gave you something just for yourself or left it for you when they passed away.
  • Figuring out how much everything’s worth and deciding who gets what can lead to arguments. Sometimes there’s also trouble when one person tries to say that the other “stuff” should be shared too.

An experienced divorce lawyer who knows all about family law can really help sort through these issues and make sure everyone ends up with their fair share.

Introduction to Marital Property in Divorce in NY

Going through a divorce is tough and full of emotions, especially when it comes to splitting up assets and property that was owned together. In New York, the rules about how to divide these things aren’t like in other places where everything may be just split down the middle. Instead, they use what’s called an equitable distribution state, which means they try to split things up fairly by looking at different factors, including the well-being of any pets involved. While New York does not go as far as Alaska in considering pets as personal property, the Empire State has adopted a “best for all concerned” standard to determine ownership and custody of animals involved in divorce cases. Additionally, New York recognizes community property ownership rights and laws, meaning that both spouses have equal ownership of all property acquired during the marriage. This includes assets such as real estate, income, and investments.

In New York, figuring out who gets what can be really complicated because of these special rules. That’s why having an experienced family law attorney can make a big difference. A good Long Island, NY divorce lawyer understands these laws and can help explain which items are considered marital property (stuff owned together) versus separate property (stuff you had before marriage or got as a gift). Your attorney is there to stand up for your side and work hard to ensure you get a fair share according to New York’s idea of equitable distribution.

With an experienced attorney’s help, navigating through this tricky part of divorce becomes less daunting.

Understanding Marital Property in New York Divorces

In New York, when couples go through a divorce, how they split their assets and debts depends on two types of “property”: things they got together during the marriage and things one of them had before getting married or that they received as gifts or an inheritance. New York’s equitable distribution means that everything is divided in a way that’s fair but not necessarily equal, looking at what each person contributed and how long they were married for. Understanding the concept of marital property distribution, including retirement plans, is the first step in the equitable distribution process in a New York divorce. It is important to differentiate between marital property and separate property (assets owned before marriage or given to one person) in order to determine a fair distribution of assets and debts.

Defining Marital Property vs. Separate Property

Marital property is all about the assets that both spouses acquire or earn while they’re married. This includes money made during the marriage, things bought by either spouse, retirement accounts set up while married, bank accounts and investments grown during their time together, and any personal items turned into shared ones. This also includes personal property, such as cars, boats, airplanes, furniture, and artwork, that was acquired during the marriage, unless otherwise stated in a prenuptial agreement. It is important to note that even if an asset is under one spouse’s name, if it was obtained during the marriage, it is likely considered marital property and subject to equitable distribution. This includes retirement funds, such as pensions, 401(k)s, and IRAs.

Separate property, on the other hand, is that which each person owns on their own and doesn’t have to split if they decide to go their separate ways through a divorce or separation. It’s property or assets one of them had before getting married, anything inherited or given as a gift just to them, compensation for personal injuries received by one spouse only; it also covers things swapped for other personal belongings and how much these individual belongings increase in value over time.

In New York, understanding this difference between marital property (stuff you share) and separate property (stuff you don’t) really matters when it comes down to fairly dividing everything after deciding not be together anymore. It’s key in figuring out who gets what without making it unfair for anyone involved.

The Significance of New York’s Equitable Distribution Laws

In New York, when couples go through a divorce, the way they split up their stuff is pretty unique. Instead of just cutting everything in half like some places do, New York uses what’s called equitable distribution to make sure everyone gets a fair share based on what they need and what they’ve put into the marriage. This means looking at how long you were married, how much money each person made or spent during that time, how old and healthy both people are, and, if they have children, if one parent needs to stay in the family home with them. Additionally, New York’s equitable distribution laws ensure that the division of assets is fair and just, taking into account various factors such as the length of the marriage, the financial contributions of each spouse, and the need for equitable distribution of property for the divorcing couple. This ensures that both parties receive an equitable, if not equal, division of assets during the divorce process.

The whole point of this system is not about splitting things down the middle but making sure that whatever decision is made feels right for everyone involved given their specific situation. So while it might not always mean getting exactly half of everything for both sides in terms of marital property or other assets from the marriage; it’s all about fairness. With factors like who took care of kids as a custodial parent playing into decisions too — every case can end up looking quite different depending on those details.

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Common Challenges with Dividing Marital Property During Divorce

When couples decide to part ways, figuring out who gets what can get pretty tricky. A big headache often comes from trying to agree on the worth of things like houses, businesses, and money saved or invested. It becomes even tougher when both people don’t see eye-to-eye.

On top of that, there’s the issue with things one person owned before they got married but then used for both during the marriage. Think about using your own cash stash to help buy a car that ends up in both names. Figuring out if this kind of thing has turned into something owned by both partners isn’t easy, especially when it comes to dividing debts such as credit card debts and child support payments.

To deal with these issues without too much drama, it helps to have someone who knows all about family law by your side. An experienced divorce and family law firm can make sure everything is split fairly when ending the marriage while dealing with marital property, separate property, real estate.

Disputes over Property Value and Asset Division

When a couple gets divorced, they often argue about how much their stuff is worth and who gets what. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Figuring out the value of things like houses, businesses, and money saved or invested can cause a lot of arguments during a divorce. It’s really important to figure out these values correctly so everything can be split fairly.
  • Splitting up assets isn’t always easy because sometimes both people want the same things or can’t agree on what belongs to whom. There might be confusion over which belongings are shared between them (marital property) and how to divide them properly.
  • In New York, when it comes time to divide everything up, the rule is that it should be done in a fair way but not necessarily by splitting everything 50/50. This idea of fairness doesn’t always match up for everyone involved which could lead to more disagreements.
  • Every divorce situation is different based on lots of factors like how long two people were married, how much money each person brought into the marriage or earned while together, and what each person needs moving forward.

To deal with fights over who owns what and how much it’s all worth requires someone skilled and experienced in family law—a lawyer who knows about this kind of thing—to help make sure everyone ends up with a fair share according to their specific circumstances.

Transforming Separate Property into Marital Property

In some cases, stuff that was owned by just one person before they got married, or separate property, can turn into something that both people in the marriage have a right to, or marital property. This usually happens when this personal item is used for things that help out the marriage or if it gets mixed up with things that already belong to both people in the marriage. When we talk about mixing property together, we mean putting personal and shared items so close together you can’t tell them apart anymore.

In New York, there’s a rule saying private property doesn’t get split up if two people decide to go their separate ways. However, if this private property has turned into shared property because it helped out the marriage or got all mixed up with other shared items, then it needs to be divided fairly between both parties. It’s pretty tricky turning private assets into shared assets; you need lots of paperwork and someone smart in New York state law to look over everything. This is where a prenuptial agreement or postnuptial agreement can be advantageous in protecting your separate property from being considered part of the marital estate.

For folks going through this kind of situation during a divorce in New York, getting advice from an attorney who has experience in all aspects of family law can really make things easier. These lawyers are good at figuring out how everything should be split so everyone feels like they’ve been treated fairly.

Experienced divorce lawyer can help divide marital propertyHow Our Services Help Navigate Marital Property Issues

Going through a divorce and figuring out who gets what can be really tough and full of emotions. That’s where having an experienced family law attorney is critical because they can:

  • Give legal advice: With their knowledge, an experienced family law attorney make sure you understand all your rights and choices when it comes to splitting up things you owned together.
  • Splitting assets: A knowledgeable family law attorney is there to guide you through sharing everything fairly, taking into account the unique details of your situation.
  • Standing up for your rights: They’ll make sure people understand what you want and fight to protect your interests during the whole process.

With an experienced divorce lawyer by your side, dealing with marital property issues becomes less daunting, aiming for the best result in this challenging time of divorce.

Comprehensive Evaluation of Marital Assets

To make sure things are split fairly when a couple decides to part ways, it’s really important to take a close look at everything they own together. Here’s how you do it:

  • First off, figure out what you both own. This means taking stock of everything from the house and savings accounts to businesses and property like cars or furniture that were purchased during the marriage.
  • Next up is putting a price tag on these items. To find out how much each asset is worth, you might need someone to appraise your property or look through financial records.
  • Then, think about what each person has put into the relationship — not just money but also other kinds of support that helped build those assets.
  • Don’t forget about taxes! When splitting things up, some choices might affect your taxes differently.

Getting this full picture helps ensure everyone walks away with their fair share after a divorce. An experienced family law attorney can be super helpful in guiding people through this process so they reach an outcome that feels right for them in their divorce proceedings.

Strategic Negotiation for Equitable Distribution

When going through a divorce, figuring out how to split up stuff fairly is super important. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

  • Getting the lowdown on laws: An experienced family law attorney knows all about New York’s rules for fair division of property and can help their clients understand their rights and choices.
  • Figuring out what matters most: Everyone values different things differently when it comes to dividing up belongings. With an experienced lawyer’s guidance, clients can pinpoint what they really want and aim for that in negotiations.
  • Making an agreement: Smart negotiating means coming up with an agreement that considers everyone’s top wants and tries to divide things equitably.
  • Trying divorce mediation or other alternate dispute resolution methods like collaborative divorce can help. Sometimes, sitting down with a mediator or collaborator helps people agree without too much fuss.

With a savvy family law attorney by your side who’s good at negotiating, navigating the tricky waters of dividing assets during a divorce becomes easier, aiming for an outcome that protects your rights and assets.

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Proven Process for Handling Marital Property Division

When it comes to splitting up stuff after a marriage ends, there’s a tried-and-true way to make sure everything is divided fairly. Here are the main steps involved:

  • The first thing you do is figure out what belongs to who and whether it was yours together or separately. This includes both things you own and money you owe.
  • Next, for each item that needs dividing, its value has got to be figured out so everyone knows what they’re dealing with.
  • With all this info in hand, rules about fair sharing come into play. These take into account how much money each person brought in and how long the marriage lasted among other factors.
  • Then there’s deciding what happens with the house where you lived together. Sometimes one person can buy the other out; other times selling it might be best.

By sticking to these guidelines and getting help from someone who knows family law inside-out, folks can get through dividing their shared property without too much hassle or unfairness.

Identifying and Classifying Assets and Debts

When it comes to splitting up stuff after a marriage ends, figuring out what belongs to who and any debts is super important. Here’s the lowdown:

  • Asset division: First off, you’ve got to list everything you both got while married like houses, money in the bank, businesses, and even your personal things. Then decide how much each thing is worth and if it was something you had together or if it belonged just to one of you before getting married.
  • Classification of property: Stuff gets tagged as either marital or separate based on when and how you got them. This tag helps figure out if they need to be split up.
  • Debts: Just like with assets, any debt racked up during the time together needs sorting too. Debts shared are for both to deal with; debts that were there before are not.
  • Marital property vs Separate property: Anything picked up during being together counts as marital stuff whereas anything one person had before tying the knot or received specifically as a gift or inheritance stays theirs alone.

By taking care through this process of identifying and classifying everything correctly regarding real estate, personal items among others related directly back into their respective categories within martial versus separate properties ensures everyone walks away fairly once all said done concerning division following dissolution thereof partnership formed by marriage.

Applying New York’s Equitable Distribution Principles

In New York, when couples decide to go their separate ways, there’s a system in place called equitable distribution that helps split up what they own. It doesn’t mean everything is cut right down the middle; instead, it aims for what’s fair based on several things.

  • At the heart of this process is equitable distribution itself. This idea focuses on dividing stuff between partners in a way that’s just but not always 50/50.
  • When deciding how to divide things fairly, many factors come into play. These include how much money each person brought into the marriage, how long they were together, both people’s age and health status, and if one parent needs to stay in the family home with kids.
  • As part of getting divorced,divorce process, figuring out who gets what happens during legal proceedings. That’s why having a good lawyer who knows all about family law can really make a difference by making sure you’re treated fairly according to New York law.

So basically,new york,equitable division,family law attorney,custodial parent, through these rules known as equitable distribution principles,new york,equitable division,family law attorney,custodial parent , folks going through divorce in New York aim for an outcome where everyone feels like things are divided up rightly.division of property

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Why Choose Us for Your Marital Property Division Needs

When it comes to splitting up stuff between partners during a divorce, picking the right lawyer who knows all about family law is super important. Here’s how Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. can help:

  • With our firm, you get an experienced family law team: Our team is packed with lawyers who know their way around marital property cases like the back of their hand.
  • We’re pros at divorce cases: Divorce can be tricky, especially when it comes to dividing things fairly. That’s our specialty, and we’ve got decades of experience guiding people through it.
  • Every story is different: We understand that no two divorces are the same. We ensure sure our plan fits just right for what you need.
  • Fairness in dividing stuff: Over time, we’ve become excellent at ensuring our clients gets their fair share of whatever property and assets were owned together.

Choosing Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. means putting your trust in an experienced divorce and family law firm that will look after your needs carefully and skillfully when dealing with marital property division and all other aspects of your divorce.

Expertise in Long Island, New York Divorce Laws

Going through a divorce is emotionally and financially difficult, and it can be even trickier in New York because of its unique rules. That’s why getting help from an experienced family law attorney who knows all about New York divorce laws is critical to protect your rights and assets. Our attorneys have the expertise to offer you the legal advice that’ll guide you right during the whole process of your divorce proceedings. Schedule a free initial consultation today by calling 631-923-1910 or filling out the short form below.

Successful Case Studies and Client Testimonials

When picking a family law attorney for your divorce case, it’s key to look at how well they’ve done in the past. Search for lawyers who are known for getting good outcomes in divorce settlements. By checking out what other clients have said and looking into their successful cases, including particular case studies and client testimonials, you can get an idea of their skills and if they’re right for your situation. Listening to stories from people who’ve been through the divorce process themselves can also give you useful tips and help you decide wisely.

Demonstrated Success in Marital Property Division

In the realm of splitting up marital property during a divorce case, it’s crucial to pick an attorney known for their winning streak. With a law firm that has consistently secured good deals in property division for those they represent, you’re on solid ground. A track record of happy clients is something you shouldn’t overlook when making your choice. By opting for an attorney skilled in handling cases of marital property with demonstrated success, including negotiating spousal support, you can trust them to fight for what’s fair and look out for your best interests.

Case Study: Achieving Fair Asset Distribution

In a recent divorce case handled by our firm, we were able to achieve a fair asset distribution for our client. The couple had been married for 15 years and had accumulated significant assets, including a marital home, retirement accounts, and investment properties. Using the principles of equitable distribution, we analyzed the various factors involved, such as each spouse’s financial contributions, the length of the marriage, and the needs of the custodial parent. After careful consideration, we presented a proposed division of assets to the court, which was accepted and resulted in a fair distribution of property in the given legal matter. This case study highlights the importance of working with an experienced attorney who understands the nuances of equitable division and can advocate for your interests.

Client Testimonials: Real Stories of Satisfaction

Don’t just listen to us – take it from our happy clients who’ve been through the divorce process and seen firsthand how we handle marital property division. They’ve told their stories, highlighting how we helped them navigate through the tricky parts of divorce and made sure they got a fair deal. These true accounts shine a light on our methods and the satisfaction we aim for with every client. By checking out our Google Reviews, you’ll get a clearer picture of what it’s like to work with us and the successful results we deliver during the divorce process.

Dividing Marital Property & Personal Property is Important Divorce Issue

When you’re going through a divorce in New York, figuring out who gets what can be pretty tricky. It’s critical to know the difference between stuff you owned together and things that were just yours or your partner’s before tying the knot. This is all because of how New York handles dividing up property when couples split. Our experienced team has a wealth of experience making sure everything is divided fairly. We have developed solid solid plans for finding all the assets, deciding how to split them up properly, and helping our clients navigate through any disagreements about their property and assets. If you need help with sorting out marital property during your divorce, we’re here for you with years of experience in New York’s rules and a history of happy clients behind us. Contact us for a free consultation and case evaluation. It could really make a difference in getting your finances sorted during your divorce .


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The team at Hornberger Verbitsky made me feel at ease after I retained them after a 3 year contested divorce process. I like their approach with how they educate you on ways to get the best outcome in your divorce. Mr. Hornberger made me feel heard and was compassionate to my case while also being aggressive in the courtroom to help me get the most positive outcome. He prevented my case from having to go to trial and he closed the deal in my long drawn out emotional divorce. I was happy that I retained him and would recommend him to anyone that is going through a high conflict divorce.

~Elizabeth Martin

Frequently Asked Questions

What constitutes marital property in New York?

In New York, when two people are married, anything they buy or acquire while they’re together and before they decide to separate or start divorce proceedings counts as marital property. This includes things like houses and land (real estate), cars, money matters, and things you can touch (like furniture), parts of a business one might own, and even presents spouses give each other during the marriage.

How is property divided in a New York divorce?

When a couple goes through a divorce in New York state, the way their property and assets are divided is by something called equitable distribution. This means that the court looks at different things like how much money each person brought into the marriage, how long they were married for, and what the parent who takes care of the children needs to make sure everyone ends up with a fair share of everything.

How does separate property become marital property in New York?

In New York, there are ways that something you own by yourself (separate property) can end up being seen as something owned together with your spouse (marital property). This is how separate property becomes marital property in New York. This can happen through two main methods: transmutation and commingling. With transmutation, what was once just yours legally becomes shared between you and your partner. On the other hand, commingling is when both personal and shared assets get mixed up together.

What should I do if I suspect hidden assets during my divorce?

When going through a divorce and you think your spouse may be hiding assets, it’s really important to talk to an experienced family law attorney. With their experience, they can help find any hidden stuff and make sure that the division of property is fair for everyone involved.

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Get your complimentary consultation and case evaluation with our experienced attorneys today. Your attorney will describe the many options available and determine together which is the right solution for you. By the end of this  conversation, we’ll all understand how we can best help you to move forward.

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There is no cost or obligation for this initial consultation. It is simply an opportunity for us to get to know each other, answer your questions and learn if Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. is right the right law firm for you. Give us a call at 631-923-1910 or fill in the short form below for your free consultation and case evaluation. All Fields Are Required

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About the Author

Robert E. Hornberger, Esq., Founding Partner, Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.

  • Over 20 years practicing matrimonial law
  • Over 1,000 cases successfully resolved
  • Founder and Partner of Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.
  • Experienced and compassionate Long Island Divorce Attorney, Family Law Attorney, and Divorce Mediator
  • Licensed to practice law in the State of New York
  • New York State Bar Association member
  • Nassau County Bar Association member
  • Suffolk County Bar Association member
  • “Super Lawyer” Metro Rising Star
  • Nominated Best of Long Island Divorce Attorney four consecutive years
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee Contributor
  • Collaborative Law Association of New York – Former Director
  • Martindale Hubbell Distinguished Designation
  • America’s Most Honored Professionals – Top 5%
  • Lead Counsel Rated – Divorce Law
  • American Institute of Family Law Attorneys 10 Best
  • International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
  • Graduate of Hofstra University School of Law
  • Double Bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy, Politics & Law and History from SUNY Binghamton University
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Melissa Rappa
Melissa Rappa
18:09 08 Feb 24
At one of the hardest and most stressful times of my life, it was so comforting to have a team at Hornberger and Verbitsky who ALWAYS responded in record speed to my questions, phone calls, emails or texts and who I felt really cared about helping me through this difficult time. It was a long few years and I am grateful to all of you. Thank you so much Rob, AnneMarie, Christine, Patty, Joan and Lawrence. Your guidance, professionalism and expertise is appreciated beyond measure.
Paul Carmichael
Paul Carmichael
16:21 11 Dec 23
I would give 6 stars if I could. I can't say enough good things about Robert and his firm. We were in a situation for over 2 years and I could have never made it through without Robert's experience and knowledge. He guided me through tough times when needed and his expertise could "read" the situation and make the next best move for me. He was tough when he needed to be tough (thankfully) and at the same time guided me through the process to make me feel comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. I would not want to go through this process without Robert and his team having my back. he helped move the case along and not waste any time or money. One last time, I 100% endorse Robert and his expertise.

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6 Expert Tips to Help You Win the New York State Divorce Process

6 Expert Tips to Help You Win the New York State Divorce Process

6 Expert Tips to Help You Win the New York State Divorce Process

Navigating the New York State divorce process can be a challenging and emotional process. To help make this divorce process smoother and more successful in NY, it’s important to implement some key strategies. In this guide, we will explore 6 expert tips that can assist you in navigating a successful divorce process in New York State.

From communication techniques to legal considerations, each tip in this guide is designed to provide practical advice and support as you navigate this significant life changing event. By following these recommendations, you can approach your divorce with confidence and clarity, ultimately paving the way for a smoother and more positive outcome.

Whether you are just beginning of the New York State divorce process or you are seeking ways to improve an ongoing situation, these tips are tailored to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate this challenging time effectively. Let’s delve into these 6 tips that can make your New York state divorce process as smooth and successful as possible.

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Preparing Emotionally and Financially for the NY State Divorce ProcessTip #1: Preparing Emotionally and Financially for the NY State Divorce Process

Choose a Constructive Divorce Narrative

When preparing for the divorce process in New York state, it is essential to approach the situation with a constructive mindset. Instead of focusing on blame or resentment, consider reframing your narrative to prioritize understanding, growth, and moving forward with your life positively after your divorce. This shift in perspective can help reduce your emotional turmoil and facilitate a smoother transition to the next phase in your life. By focusing on mutual respect and cooperation, both you and your spouse can navigate the New York state divorce process with more ease and less conflict.

Organize Financial Documents

Gathering and organizing all relevant financial documents is important to ensure a smooth and successful New York state divorce process. Make sure to collect records of assets, debts, income sources, tax returns, bank statements, investment accounts, and any other financial information that may be pertinent. Having these documents readily available can streamline the legal proceedings and ensure a fair division of assets. Consider seeking professional advice from a financial planner or accountant to help you understand the implications of different financial decisions during the divorce process.

Finances during the divorce process in NY statePost Divorce Budgeting

Creating a post-divorce budget is a practical step to prepare for the financial changes that come with the dissolution of your marriage. Take stock of your current expenses and income, and adjust your budget to reflect your anticipated financial situation after the divorce process is complete. Consider factors such as alimony, child support, new living arrangements, and any other financial obligations you can foresee. Being proactive about budgeting now can help you feel more in control of your financial future and alleviate some of the stress associated with the New York state divorce process. Remember to also account for unexpected expenses and emergencies in your budget to ensure your financial stability during this transition period.

Seek Emotional Support During the New York State Divorce Process

In addition to financial preparedness, emotional readiness is equally important when going through the New York State divorce process. Consider seeking support from a therapist, counselor, or support group to help you navigate the emotional challenges that come with the end of a marriage. Talking to a professional or joining a community of individuals going through similar experiences can provide you with coping strategies, emotional validation, and a sense of belonging during this difficult time. Remember, taking care of your emotional well-being is essential for a smoother transition and a healthier future post-divorce.

Your Narrative, Financial and Emotional Planning Can Smooth the New York State Divorce Process

Preparing emotionally and financially for the New York State divorce process requires a combination of practical planning, emotional resilience, and a positive outlook for the future. By choosing a constructive divorce narrative, organizing your financial documents, creating a post-divorce budget, and seeking emotional support, you can better equip yourself to handle the challenges of the divorce process with grace and strength. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and with the right tools and support, you can emerge from this experience stronger and ready to embrace a new chapter in your life.


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Communication during the divorce process in NY stateTip #2: Effective Communication Strategies During the New York State Divorce Process

Planning Your Divorce Conversation: Setting the Stage for a Constructive Dialogue

The New York State divorce process is a multifaceted journey that demands effective communication strategies to navigate the complexities with grace and understanding. As you embark on this path, it is crucial to lay a strong foundation by planning the divorce conversation thoughtfully. Selecting an appropriate time and conducive environment for this pivotal discussion sets the tone for a constructive dialogue. Mental preparedness is equally vital, fostering an environment where both you and your spouse can express yourselves openly and honestly.

Address Concerns and Questions About the New York State Divorce Process: Foster Understanding and Empathy

Following the initial conversation with your spouse, it is imperative to address emerging concerns and questions with empathy and patience. Sharing the reasons behind the decision, actively listening to each other’s perspectives, and offering support are essential components of this phase. Transparency, respect, and collaboration should underscore all communications to facilitate a smoother New York State divorce process for both individuals.

Navigate the Emotional Terrain to Manage Conflict and Emotions

Establishing clear boundaries and defining expectations for your future can help mitigate misunderstandings and conflicts during the New York State divorce process. Setting realistic goals and delineating responsibilities provide a roadmap for the journey ahead. Seeking the guidance of a divorce mediator can offer valuable support in fostering productive communication and resolving conflicts amicably.

Moreover, navigating the emotional terrain of the New York state divorce process requires managing conflict and emotions effectively. Embracing change and viewing it as an opportunity for personal growth can aid in transitioning to a new chapter in your life with resilience and optimism. Prioritizing self-care and emotional well-being through activities that promote relaxation and self-reflection is key during this challenging period.

By prioritizing effective communication, empathy, and self-care, you can navigate the complexities of the New York state divorce process with resilience and understanding. Embracing change as a catalyst for personal growth can pave the way for a more amicable and respectful separation process, fostering a positive outlook for the future.


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Emotional support during the NYS divorce process Tip #3: Maintain Your Emotional Well-being Throughout the NY State Divorce Process

How to Cope with Emotional Turmoil

In the midst of all the challenges the New York state divorce process will throw your way, it’s essential to acknowledge and address your own emotional turmoil. Emotional turmoil is a natural response to stress, change, or uncertainty. By recognizing your feelings and allowing yourself to experience them, you can begin to cope effectively. Whether it’s journaling, talking to a friend, or seeking professional help, finding healthy outlets for your emotions during this time is crucial. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, anxious, or sad during challenging times. Remember that your emotions are valid, and it’s important to give yourself permission to feel and process them. Avoid suppressing your feelings, as this can lead to increased stress and emotional distress. Instead, practice self-awareness and self-compassion as you navigate through all these difficult emotions.

Practice Self-Compassion and Self-Care

During difficult times like the New York State divorce process, remember to be kind to yourself. Practice self-compassion by treating yourself with the same care and understanding that you would offer to a loved one facing a similar situation. Acknowledge your strengths and resilience in coping with adversity. Celebrate small victories and progress, even if they seem minor. Prioritize self-care activities that nurture your well-being, such as exercise, meditation, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy.

Taking care of your physical health can positively impact your emotional well-being. Ensure you get enough rest, maintain a balanced diet, and stay hydrated. Establishing a routine that includes self-care practices can provide stability and comfort during uncertain times in the New York state divorce process. Remember that self-care is not selfish but necessary for maintaining your emotional well-being. By taking proactive steps to care for yourself, you can build resilience and better cope with the challenges you face.

Importance of Seeking Professional Help

While self-care practices are valuable, there are times when seeking professional help is essential for maintaining your emotional well-being. Therapists, counselors, or mental health professionals can provide valuable support and guidance during challenging times. If you find that your emotional turmoil is overwhelming and impacting your daily life, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help. Therapy sessions can offer a safe space to explore your emotions, develop coping strategies, and gain a deeper understanding of yourself. Remember that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. It shows that you are taking proactive steps to prioritize your mental health and well-being. Professional help can equip you with the tools and resources needed to navigate through the difficult emotions the New York state divorce process will create and build resilience for the future.

Build a Support System

In addition to professional help, building a strong support system of friends, family, or community can also contribute to your emotional well-being during this difficult time. Surround yourself with individuals who uplift and support you during the tough times you will face during the New York state divorce process. Share your feelings and experiences with trusted individuals who can offer empathy, encouragement, and practical assistance. Having a support system can provide a sense of belonging, reduce feelings of isolation, and offer different perspectives on your challenges. Remember that it’s okay to lean on others for support when needed. Cultivating meaningful connections and relationships can enhance your emotional resilience and help you navigate through the New York state divorce process with greater ease.

Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation

Practicing mindfulness and emotional regulation techniques can enhance your emotional well-being. Mindfulness involves being present in the moment, observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, you can develop greater self-awareness, reduce stress, and cultivate a sense of calm amidst the chaos of the New York state divorce process. Incorporate mindfulness practices such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga into your daily routine will promote emotional balance and mental clarity.

Learn to regulate your emotions by identifying triggers, understanding your emotional responses, and implementing healthy coping mechanisms. By enhancing your emotional regulation skills, you can manage intense emotions more effectively and maintain a sense of equilibrium during challenging situations. Remember that emotional well-being is a journey that requires continuous self-reflection, self-care, and growth. By prioritizing your mental health and emotional resilience, you can navigate through the challenges of the New York state divorce process with strength, grace, and compassion.


Free New York Divorce Lawyer Consultation
Free New York Divorce Lawyer Consultation
My experience with rob and his team was great I would highly recommend them! They were extremely helpful and answered any questions I had and explained everything to me to make sure I understood everything that was happening. They helped me with the process and kept it moving!

~Caitlyn Coltellino

Tip #4: Practical Tips for a Smooth the New York State Divorce Process

Work with our spouse during the New York State Divorce ProcessWork With Your Spouse to Resolve Issues During the New York State Divorce Process

The New York state divorce process can be challenging, both emotionally and financially. However, there are ways to make it smoother and more manageable. One option to consider is to work together with your spouse to reach agreements on important issues such as asset division, child custody, and support. This can be a cost-effective and efficient way to dissolve your marriage without the need for lengthy court battles. In this section, we will delve into the benefits of working with (not against) your spouse and provide tips on how to navigate this process successfully.

Leveraging Divorce Mediation Services

Divorce mediation is a valuable resource that can help you and your spouse resolve disputes and come to mutually beneficial agreements. A trained mediator can facilitate productive discussions between you and your spouse, helping you reach compromises and avoid the need for litigation. Mediation is often less adversarial than traditional divorce proceedings and can lead to more amicable outcomes. We will discuss the advantages of divorce mediation services and offer guidance on how to make the most of this alternative dispute resolution method during the New York State divorce process.

Understanding Legal Separation

Legal separation is a viable option for couples who are not ready for divorce but who need to live apart and determine support, custody, and property issues. It allows spouses to formalize their separation while still being legally married. We will explore the differences between legal separation and divorce, the benefits it offers, and the implications it has on the New York state divorce process.

Financial Planning for Divorce

Financial considerations are a crucial aspect of the New York state divorce process. Proper financial planning can help you secure your future post-divorce. We will provide insights on organizing your finances, understanding the division of assets and debts, and planning for alimony and child support. We will also discuss the importance of updating your estate plan and beneficiary designations to reflect your new circumstances.

Self-Care During Divorce the New York State Divorce Process

The New York state divorce process can take a toll on your emotional well-being. Practicing self-care is essential to navigate this challenging period. Below, we share self-care tips to help you manage stress, prioritize your mental health, and build a support system. Taking care of yourself during the New York state divorce process is crucial for a smoother transition to your new life.

Co-Parenting Strategies

For couples with children, co-parenting effectively post-divorce is vital for the well-being of the children. We will discuss strategies for successful co-parenting, including communication techniques, creating a parenting plan, and resolving conflicts amicably. Co-parenting requires cooperation and mutual respect, and it is important to get  guidance on fostering a healthy co-parenting relationship.

Seek Professional Help During the New York State Divorce Process

Navigating the New York state divorce process can be overwhelming, and seeking professional help is often beneficial. There are many different professionals you may need during the divorce process, such as attorneys, financial advisors, therapists, and mediators. Knowing when to seek professional assistance and how to choose the right professionals can make a significant difference in the outcome of your divorce.

Build a Support Network

Having a strong support network is crucial during the New York state divorce process. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family members who can offer emotional support, practical help, and a listening ear. Building a support network can provide comfort during challenging times and help you feel less isolated in the New York State divorce process.

Moving Forward After Divorce

While divorce marks the end of a chapter, it also signifies a new beginning. Moving forward after divorce involves letting go of the past, embracing change, and creating a fulfilling life post-divorce. Embrace this new phase of your life, set goals for the future, and focus on personal growth and self-discovery.

The New York State Divorce Process Requires Planning & Careful Consideration

Divorce is a significant life event that requires careful consideration and planning. By exploring ways to work with your spouse, leveraging divorce mediation services, understanding legal separation, and prioritizing self-care and financial planning, you can navigate the New York state divorce process more smoothly. Remember to seek professional help when needed, build a strong support network, and focus on moving forward positively after your divorce. With the right strategies and mindset, you can embark on a new chapter with confidence and resilience.

New York State Divorce ProcessTip #5: Navigating Legal Procedures and Documentation of The New York State Divorce Process

Understanding New York State-Specific Divorce Laws: Your Roadmap to a Successful Divorce

Embarking on the journey of divorce involves navigating a complex legal landscape that can be overwhelming, to say the least. One of the crucial elements to consider is gaining a deep understanding of the divorce laws specific to New York. Each state has its unique set of regulations governing divorce proceedings, encompassing critical factors such as property division, spousal support, child custody and more. Familiarizing yourself with these laws is essential to effectively navigate the New York state divorce process and make well-informed decisions.

Decoding Filing Procedures: A Step-by-Step Guide to Initiating Your Divorce

Before initiating the New York state divorce process, it is imperative to delve into the nuances of the state’s divorce laws. Acquiring knowledge about how New York state addresses crucial aspects like property division, alimony, and child custody can significantly influence the outcome of your divorce case. By arming yourself with this information, you can adequately prepare for the journey ahead and safeguard your rights.

Uncontested Divorce Benefits: A Peaceful Resolution for a New Beginning

Opting for an uncontested divorce presents you with a more amicable path to ending your marriage without protracted court battles. By mutually agreeing on critical issues such as asset division and child custody with your spouse, you can expedite the New York state divorce process, reduce legal expenses, and minimize your emotional strain. Exploring the advantages of uncontested divorce can pave the way for a smoother transition and foster a more harmonious post-divorce relationship.

By equipping yourself with a thorough understanding of New York state-specific divorce laws, mastering the filing procedures, and embracing the benefits of uncontested divorce, you can confidently navigate the legal intricacies of divorce, ensuring a smoother and more informed New York state divorce process.

Professional Support and Guidance During the New York State Divorce ProcessTip #6: Seeking Professional Support and Guidance During the New York State Divorce Process

In times of need, seeking professional support and guidance can make a significant difference in one’s life. Whether facing legal challenges or emotional turmoil, having the right professionals by your side can provide the necessary assistance and expertise to navigate through the New York state divorce process.

Importance of Legal Counsel During the New York State Divorce Process

Legal matters can be complex and overwhelming, especially for individuals without a legal background. Seeking the guidance of a qualified divorce attorney can ensure that your rights are protected, and you are well-represented in any legal proceedings. From contract disputes to criminal charges, a skilled lawyer can offer valuable advice and representation to help you achieve a favorable outcome during the New York State divorce process.

Therapeutic Support for Emotional Healing

Emotional well-being is equally important as physical health, and seeking therapeutic support can be instrumental in promoting healing and growth. Whether dealing with past traumas, relationship issues, or mental health concerns, a licensed therapist or counselor can provide a safe space for you to explore your emotions, gain insights, and develop coping strategies. Therapy can help you build resilience, improve self-awareness, and enhance your overall quality of life during the New York State divorce process.

The Role of Financial Advisors in the New York State Divorce Process

In addition to legal and therapeutic support, financial advisors play a crucial role in helping individuals manage their finances effectively during the New York state divorce process. Whether planning for retirement, investing in the stock market, or navigating tax laws, a skilled financial advisor can provide valuable insights and strategies to secure your financial future. By understanding your financial goals as well as your risk tolerance, an advisor can tailor a financial plan that aligns with your objectives and helps you make informed decisions.

Career Guidance and Mentorship to Move Forward After the New York state Divorce Process

Navigating the complexities of the professional world can be challenging, but seeking career guidance and mentorship can provide valuable support and direction. Whether you are a recent graduate exploring career options or an experienced professional looking to advance in your field, a mentor can offer valuable insights, advice, and networking opportunities to help you achieve your career goals. By building a strong professional network and seeking guidance from industry experts, you can enhance your skills, expand your opportunities, and achieve success in your chosen field.

Professional Support is Key to Surviving the New York State Divorce Process

Navigating the New York state divorce process can be a challenging and emotional process, but with the right guidance and support, it can be smoother and more successful. By following the 6 tips outlined in this blog, individuals can better prepare themselves for the journey ahead.

For those seeking expert legal assistance and valuable resources tailored to divorce and family law matters, Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. Stands out as a reputable divorce and family law firm on Long Island. Our experienced team’s dedication to providing informative books, such as “New York Divorce Guide” and “Successful Divorce Strategies,” showcases our commitment to helping you make informed decisions and achieve positive outcomes throughout the New York state divorce process. Contact us at 631-923-1910 for a free consultation and case evaluation or fill out the short form on this page and we’ll get right back to your to schedule your meeting.

GET YOUR FREE CONSULTATION TODAY Call 631-923-1910 or fill in the form below

Get your complimentary consultation and case evaluation with our experienced attorneys today. Your attorney will describe the many options available and determine together which is the right solution for you. By the end of this  conversation, we’ll all understand how we can best help you to move forward.

No Cost or Obligation

There is no cost or obligation for this initial consultation. It is simply an opportunity for us to get to know each other, answer your questions and learn if Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. is right the right law firm for you. Give us a call at 631-923-1910 or fill in the short form below for your free consultation and case evaluation. All Fields Are Required

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About the Author

Robert E. Hornberger, Esq., Founding Partner, Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.

  • Over 20 years practicing matrimonial law
  • Over 1,000 cases successfully resolved
  • Founder and Partner of Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.
  • Experienced and compassionate Long Island Divorce Attorney, Family Law Attorney, and Divorce Mediator
  • Licensed to practice law in the State of New York
  • New York State Bar Association member
  • Nassau County Bar Association member
  • Suffolk County Bar Association member
  • “Super Lawyer” Metro Rising Star
  • Nominated Best of Long Island Divorce Attorney four consecutive years
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee Contributor
  • Collaborative Law Association of New York – Former Director
  • Martindale Hubbell Distinguished Designation
  • America’s Most Honored Professionals – Top 5%
  • Lead Counsel Rated – Divorce Law
  • American Institute of Family Law Attorneys 10 Best
  • International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
  • Graduate of Hofstra University School of Law
  • Double Bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy, Politics & Law and History from SUNY Binghamton University
Divorce Lawyer Long Island New York
Google Review of divorce longisland
Melissa Rappa
Melissa Rappa
18:09 08 Feb 24
At one of the hardest and most stressful times of my life, it was so comforting to have a team at Hornberger and Verbitsky who ALWAYS responded in record speed to my questions, phone calls, emails or texts and who I felt really cared about helping me through this difficult time. It was a long few years and I am grateful to all of you. Thank you so much Rob, AnneMarie, Christine, Patty, Joan and Lawrence. Your guidance, professionalism and expertise is appreciated beyond measure.
Paul Carmichael
Paul Carmichael
16:21 11 Dec 23
I would give 6 stars if I could. I can't say enough good things about Robert and his firm. We were in a situation for over 2 years and I could have never made it through without Robert's experience and knowledge. He guided me through tough times when needed and his expertise could "read" the situation and make the next best move for me. He was tough when he needed to be tough (thankfully) and at the same time guided me through the process to make me feel comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. I would not want to go through this process without Robert and his team having my back. he helped move the case along and not waste any time or money. One last time, I 100% endorse Robert and his expertise.

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How to Select the Best Divorce Lawyer Near Me

How to Select the Best Divorce Lawyer Near Me

How to Select the Best Divorce Lawyer Near Me

Are you facing a challenging divorce and seeking the best divorce lawyer near you to be your guide you through this difficult time? Look no further. Hornberger Verbitsky’s experienced and dedicated legal professionals will provide you with the support and expertise you need to navigate the complexities of divorce proceedings.

With a proven track record of success and a commitment to personalized, compassionate service, our legal team is ready to advocate for your best interests every step of the way. From asset division and alimony to child custody and child support matters, we have the knowledge and skills to help you achieve a favorable outcome.

We can help alleviate your stress and uncertainty by offering you the best divorce lawyers near you for the reliable legal representation you deserve. When it comes to your divorce case, trust in our experienced team of divorce lawyers and family law attorneys to deliver you the results you need. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and take the first step toward a brighter future.

Free New York Divorce Lawyer Consultation
Free New York Divorce Lawyer Consultation

Benefits of Engaging the Best Divorce Lawyer Near You

When it comes to important legal matters, especially in cases as sensitive as divorce and custody battles, having the best divorce lawyers by your side can make all the difference. Let’s delve into the various benefits that come with engaging Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.

#1. Cost-Effective Solutions for Divorce Cases

When facing a divorce, one of the primary concerns for individuals is the potential financial strain it may bring. The best divorce lawyers offer cost-effective solutions by streamlining the legal process, negotiating settlements, and ensuring that your rights are protected without unnecessary expenses.

#2. Expert Guidance in Complex Divorce and Custody Matters

Divorce and custody matters can quickly become complex, especially when children are involved or significant assets are at stake. The best divorce lawyers near you have the expertise to navigate through these complexities, providing you with the guidance you need to make informed decisions and secure the best possible outcome for you and your family.

#3. Navigating Asset Division and Financial Disputes

Asset division and financial disputes are common issues in divorce cases, often leading to prolonged legal battles. With a team of the best divorce lawyers near you by your side, you can rely on their knowledge and skills to effectively navigate through these disputes, ensuring a fair division of your assets and debts and a resolution to financial disagreements.

#4. Professionalism and Dedication to Client Success

Engaging the best divorce lawyers near you means having professionals who are dedicated to your success. From your initial consultation to the final resolution of your case, a reputable legal team will demonstrate professionalism, empathy, and unwavering dedication to achieving the best possible outcome for you. Our team will always be available to answer your questions and guide you in the right direction to protect your future.

The benefits of engaging an experienced legal team for divorce and custody matters are invaluable. Not only do will we provide cost-effective solutions and expert guidance, but we will also navigate complex issues, ensure fair asset division, and prioritize your success. When facing such challenging legal situations, having a trusted legal team by your side can truly make a positive difference.

Best divorce lawyer on Long Island

Additional Benefits of the Best Divorce Lawyer Near You

#1. Tailored Legal Strategies

The best divorce lawyers near you can develop tailored strategies based on the specifics of your case. This personalized approach ensures that your legal representation is customized to address your unique needs and circumstances, increasing the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

#2. Access to a Network of Professionals

Engaging an experienced legal team grants you access to a network of professionals, including financial advisors, forensic accountants, estate planners and other experts who can provide valuable insights and support in complex divorce cases involving intricate financial matters.

#3. Emotional Support and Guidance

Legal proceedings, especially those related to divorce and custody, can be emotionally draining. The best divorce lawyers not only offer legal expertise but also provide emotional support and guidance throughout the process, helping you navigate the emotional challenges that often accompany legal disputes.

#4. Efficient Resolution of Disputes

With our knowledge and experience, the experienced legal team at Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. can work efficiently to resolve disputes, minimize delays and ensure that your case progresses smoothly. Our proactive approach helps expedite the legal process while maintaining a focus on achieving the best possible outcome for you. In this way, we can help reduce your legal costs by resolving your case sooner than some less experienced attorneys.

In essence, the advantages of engaging the best divorce lawyers near me extend beyond legal representation. They offer tailored strategies, access to a network of professionals, emotional support, and efficient dispute resolution, all of which contribute to a comprehensive and effective approach to handling complex legal matters. By choosing to work with an experienced legal team, you not only secure expert legal guidance but also gain a supportive partner dedicated to safeguarding your interests and achieving a successful resolution to your legal concerns.

Specialized Services Offered by the Best Divorce Lawyers Near You

  1. Affordable Uncontested Divorce Solutions
  2. Divorce Mediation and Collaborative Divorce Options for Amicable Resolutions
  3. Handling High-Asset and Complicated Divorce Cases with Precision
  4. Representation in Contested Divorces with Vigor
  5. Client Satisfaction and Trust as Core Values

In family law legal services, the best divorce lawyers near me offer a range of specialized services to cater to the diverse needs of their clients. These services are designed to provide comprehensive support and guidance through various legal processes, particularly in the context of divorce cases. Let’s delve into some of the key specialized services offered by these reputable legal teams.

Mediation and Collaborative Divorce Options for Amicable Resolutions

Some of the standout services provided by the best divorce lawyers near you include divorce mediation and collaborative divorce options. These approaches focus on fostering amicable resolutions between parties involved in a divorce, aiming to minimize conflict and promote mutual understanding. By facilitating open communication and negotiation, our legal team can help clients reach agreement on important matters such as asset division, child custody, and spousal support in a cooperative manner.

The Best Divorce Lawyer Near You Handle High-Asset and Complicated Divorce Cases with Precision

The best divorce lawyers near you are well-equipped to handle high-asset and complicated divorce cases with precision and expertise. These cases often involve intricate financial portfolios, valuable assets, and complex legal considerations that require careful attention to detail. Our trusted legal team has the knowledge and experience to navigate such challenging cases effectively, ensuring that our clients’ interests are protected throughout the process.

Representation in Contested Divorces with Vigor

In situations where divorces become contested and disputes arise, the best divorce lawyers near me provide strong representation with vigor. Whether in negotiations or court proceedings, our legal team advocates for our clients’ rights and interests with determination and skill. By offering strategic legal counsel and robust, aggressive representation, our team strives to achieve favorable outcomes for our clients in contested divorce cases.

Client Communication, Satisfaction and Trust Are Core Values of the Best Divorce Lawyer Near You

Above all, the best divorce lawyers near me prioritize client satisfaction, communication and trust as core values. We understand the emotional and financial stakes involved in your divorce case and are committed to providing compassionate support and reliable guidance to you. By building strong relationships based on integrity, transparency, and professionalism, our legal team earns the trust and confidence of our clients, fostering long-term partnerships built on mutual respect and understanding.

Expertise and Recognition in the Legal Field Define the Best Divorce Lawyers Near You

In divorce and family law, expertise and recognition play pivotal roles in establishing credibility and trust. Learn more about the extensive combined legal experience of our esteemed legal team, the accolades and recognitions garnered in the field of family law for excellence, and the acknowledgment of our top legal professionals within the industry.

Extensive Combined Legal Experience of the Best Divorce Lawyers Near You

Our legal team boasts a wealth of experience accumulated over years of dedicated service in divorce and family law. Each member brings a unique perspective and skill set to the table, contributing to a formidable collective expertise that sets us apart. With backgrounds ranging from corporate law to civil rights advocacy, our team is equipped to handle a diverse range of legal matters with precision and care.

Awards and Recognition in Family Law for Excellence

Our commitment to excellence in family law has not gone unnoticed. Our firm has been honored with prestigious awards and accolades that underscore our dedication to providing top-tier legal services in matters concerning families and relationships. From being recognized for innovative approaches to child custody cases to receiving accolades for pro bono work benefiting underprivileged families, our commitment to the well-being of our clients is at the core of every recognition we receive.

Top Legal Professionals Recognized in the Industry

The legal industry is competitive, but our top legal professionals have consistently stood out for their exceptional contributions and unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards of legal practice. Their recognition within the industry serves as a testament to our expertise and dedication to the pursuit of justice. Whether it’s being featured in leading legal publications for groundbreaking cases or being invited as keynote speakers at prestigious legal conferences, our professionals continue to make a mark in the legal landscape.

Expertise and recognition are not just accolades for us; they are a reflection of our unwavering dedication to the legal profession and the clients we serve. As we look to the future, we remain committed to pushing boundaries, advocating for justice, and setting new standards of excellence in the legal field.

Some of our professional accreditations include:

  • 10 Best American Institute of Family Law Attorneys
  • Avvo 10 out of 10 Top Attorney
  • Avvo Clients’ Choice Award
  • Bethpage Best of Long Island
  • Lead Council
  • Super Lawyers
  • Martindale Hubble Preeminent peer rating for highest level of achievement
Robert Hornberger is an outstanding attorney. He is professional, intelligent and an excellent communicator. He relates well to his clients. He is personable and easy to approach. I feel totally comfortable discussing all aspects of my divorce with him. Mr. Hornberger ‘s response time is impeccable. He gives 100 percent to his clients,100 percent of the time. Mr. Hornberger and his legal team prepare his strategy with a level of skill and expertise that is superior to all others. I feel confident knowing that he is representing me in my divorce. I would without hesitation recommend Robert Hornberger to anyone going through the difficult time of a divorce. He is bar none the best out there….. THE BEST!!!

~Susan Burnett

Navigating the Legal System with the Best Divorce Lawyer Near You

Navigating the legal system, especially in matters as sensitive as divorce and child custody, can be a daunting task. Having the best divorce lawyers near me by your side can make all the difference in ensuring a smoother process and a more favorable outcome.

Importance of the Best Divorce Lawyers Near You in Divorce Proceedings

Divorce proceedings involve a myriad of legal complexities that can easily overwhelm an individual. From asset division to spousal support agreements, having the best divorce lawyers near me can help you navigate these intricacies with expertise. An experienced legal representative can ensure that your rights are protected, and that your final settlement is fair and just.

The Best Divorce Lawyers Address Contempt of Court Actions Effectively

In some divorce cases, one party may fail to comply with court orders, leading to contempt of court actions. This can have serious consequences, including fines or even imprisonment. the best divorce lawyers near me can help address contempt of court issues effectively, either by negotiating a resolution or representing you in court to defend against false accusations.

The Best Divorce Lawyers Negotiate Child Custody and Support Agreements

Child custody and support agreements are often the most emotionally charged aspects of a divorce. the best divorce lawyers can advocate for your parental rights and work toward securing a custody arrangement that is in the best interests of the child and protects your rights to be involved in their lives. Additionally, we can assist in negotiating fair child support agreements that consider the child’s needs while also being financially feasible for both parties.

The Role of Divorce Mediation in Resolving Legal Disputes

Divorce mediation is a valuable tool in resolving legal disputes, especially in family law matters. It offers a more amicable and cost-effective alternative to traditional litigation. Our skilled mediators can help you and your spouse communicate effectively, identify common ground, and reach mutually beneficial agreements. If you and your spouse are on amicable terms, by opting for mediation, you can resolve some outstanding issues while maintaining more control over the outcome of your case and often achieve faster resolutions.

Importance of the Best Divorce Lawyers Near You in Preparing for Legal Proceedings

Before embarking on any legal process, seeking a legal consultation is critical. A legal consultation with the best divorce lawyer near you will allow you to understand your rights, assess the strengths and weaknesses of your case, and explore potential legal strategies for success. This initial step can significantly impact the trajectory of a legal matter, ensuring that you are well-informed and prepared for the road ahead.

The Best Divorce Lawyers Near You Utilize Technology in Legal Practice

Technology plays a significant role in modern legal practice, streamlining processes, enhancing communication, and improving access to legal services. From virtual court hearings to online document management systems, today’s technology has revolutionized the way the best divorce lawyers near you operate. Embracing technological advancements can lead to increased efficiency, reduced costs, and better client experiences in the legal field.

Navigating the legal system requires expertise, strategy, and support. By partnering with a trusted legal team like Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C., you can navigate legal challenges with confidence and achieve favorable outcomes. From divorce proceedings to child custody disputes, having knowledgeable legal professionals on your side can make a significant difference in the resolution of your legal matters.

The Best Divorce Lawyers Ensure Client Satisfaction and Trust

Client satisfaction and trust are paramount to every case we take on. As legal professionals, it is important to us to establish a strong rapport with our clients and provide them with the assurance that their interests are being safeguarded. The following section delves into the various strategies we utilize and benefits these afford you to ensuring your satisfaction and trust.

The Best Divorce Lawyers Near You Personalize Legal Strategies to Client Needs

One of the key aspects of fostering strong client satisfaction is our ability to offer personalized legal strategies that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. By taking the time to understand the specific circumstances and objectives of your case, our legal professionals can craft strategies that address your concerns effectively. This personalized approach not only demonstrates a commitment to the your case but also instills a sense of trust and confidence in our legal representation.

The Best Divorce Lawyers Near You Protect Client Interests Throughout Proceedings

Divorce cases are often emotionally charged and complex, requiring a delicate balance of legal expertise and empathy. In such situations, ensuring client satisfaction involves not only providing sound legal advice but also offering emotional support and guidance. By prioritizing the protection of your interests and advocating on your behalf during divorce proceedings, the best divorce lawyers near me can help alleviate the stress and uncertainty you may initially experience.

Benefits of Experienced the Best Divorce Lawyers Near You in Divorce Cases

When it comes to divorce cases, the value of the best divorce lawyers near me cannot be overstated. Seasoned attorneys bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, enabling them to navigate the intricacies of divorce law with confidence. By leveraging our experience, our legal professionals can anticipate challenges, devise effective strategies, and ultimately secure a favorable outcome for you. This track record of success not only enhances client satisfaction but also solidifies trust in our legal representation.

The Best Divorce Lawyers Near You Build Long-Term Client Relationships

Beyond the immediate legal proceedings, fostering client satisfaction and trust involves building long-term relationships based on transparency, communication, and results. We cultivate trust by maintaining open lines of communication, keeping our clients informed at every stage of the process, not making false promises and delivering on the promises we do make. By demonstrating a consistent dedication to your success and well-being, we consistently establish ourselves as trusted advisors and advocates.

The Best Divorce Lawyers Near You Practice Continuous Education and Improvement

To ensure ongoing client satisfaction and trust, the best divorce lawyers near me must commit to continuous education and improvement. Staying abreast of the latest legal developments, honing skills through training and professional development opportunities, and seeking feedback from clients and colleagues are essential steps in maintaining high standards of service. By demonstrating a commitment to growth and excellence, our attorneys instill confidence in our clients and reinforce trust in our legal expertise.

The pillars of client satisfaction and trust in the legal profession rest on personalized strategies, unwavering advocacy, experienced counsel, long-term relationship building, and a commitment to continuous improvement. By embodying these principles, our legal professionals can not only meet but exceed our clients’ expectations, fostering lasting trust, and mutual success.

Best divorce lawyer on Long Island divorce lawyer near me

Choosing the Best Divorce Lawyer Near You for Your Divorce Case

Select an Experienced Divorce Lawyer for Representation.

When facing the challenging process of divorce, it is imperative to choose the best divorce lawyers near you to represent you. A seasoned attorney specializing in family law can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Look for a lawyer with a proven track record in handling divorce cases, as their expertise and knowledge of the legal system can be invaluable in protecting your rights and securing a favorable resolution for you.

Advantages of Personalized Legal Attention in Divorce Matters

In divorce, each case is unique and requires personalized legal attention to address individual needs effectively. the best divorce lawyers near you prioritize understanding your specific situation so they can offer tailored solutions and strategies to navigate the complexities of your case. By fostering a close attorney-client relationship, we can ensure that your concerns are heard and that your legal representation is aligned with your goals.

The Best Divorce Lawyers Near You Ensure Comprehensive Protection of Your Interests

The best divorce lawyers near you team will go above and beyond to safeguard your interests throughout the divorce proceedings. From skillfully negotiating settlements to advocating for you in court, we will work tirelessly to secure a fair and just outcome for you. By entrusting your case to a competent legal team, you can rest assured that your rights will be protected, and your best interests will be at the forefront of every decision made.

The Best Divorce Lawyers Near You Navigate Emotional Challenges with Legal Support

Divorce is not only a legal process but also an emotional journey that can be overwhelming. The best divorce lawyers near you can provide not only legal guidance but also emotional support during this trying time. By having a supportive legal advocate by your side, you can feel empowered to make informed decisions and face the future with confidence.

The Best Divorce Lawyers Near You Embrace Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods

In some divorce cases, traditional litigation may not be the most suitable option. the best divorce lawyers near you will explore alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation or collaborative law to help you reach amicable solutions outside of court. By promoting cooperation and communication, these methods can lead to quicker resolutions and reduce the emotional and financial toll of prolonged litigation.

Choosing the Best Divorce Lawyer Near You is Critical to Your Success

Choosing the best divorce lawyers near you for your divorce case is a critical step in ensuring a smooth and successful resolution. By selecting a skilled and dedicated attorney who prioritizes your needs, you can navigate the complexities of divorce with confidence and peace of mind. Remember, your choice of legal representation can profoundly impact the outcome of your case, so take the time to find a legal team that aligns with your values and goals.

When facing the complexities of a divorce case, having a trusted and experienced legal team by your side can make all the difference. Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. stands out as a valuable resource for individuals in Nassau County and Suffolk County seeking expert guidance in divorce and family law matters on Long Island, NY. With a focus on personalized service, a compassionate approach, and a commitment to protecting our clients’ rights, we offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of each case. For those navigating divorce or family law issues on Long Island, exploring the expertise of Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. could be the first step toward a favorable resolution and moving on in a positive direction for the rest of your life. For more information and free consultation and case evaluation, call us at 631-923-1910 or fill in the short form on this page.

GET YOUR FREE CONSULTATION TODAY Call 631-923-1910 or fill in the form below

Get your complimentary consultation and case evaluation with our experienced attorneys today. Your attorney will describe the many options available and determine together which is the right solution for you. By the end of this  conversation, we’ll all understand how we can best help you to move forward.

No Cost or Obligation

There is no cost or obligation for this initial consultation. It is simply an opportunity for us to get to know each other, answer your questions and learn if Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. is right the right law firm for you. Give us a call at 631-923-1910 or fill in the short form below for your free consultation and case evaluation. All Fields Are Required

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About the Author

Robert E. Hornberger, Esq., Founding Partner, Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.

  • Over 20 years practicing matrimonial law
  • Over 1,000 cases successfully resolved
  • Founder and Partner of Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.
  • Experienced and compassionate Long Island Divorce Attorney, Family Law Attorney, and Divorce Mediator
  • Licensed to practice law in the State of New York
  • New York State Bar Association member
  • Nassau County Bar Association member
  • Suffolk County Bar Association member
  • “Super Lawyer” Metro Rising Star
  • Nominated Best of Long Island Divorce Attorney four consecutive years
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee Contributor
  • Collaborative Law Association of New York – Former Director
  • Martindale Hubbell Distinguished Designation
  • America’s Most Honored Professionals – Top 5%
  • Lead Counsel Rated – Divorce Law
  • American Institute of Family Law Attorneys 10 Best
  • International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
  • Graduate of Hofstra University School of Law
  • Double Bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy, Politics & Law and History from SUNY Binghamton University
Divorce Lawyer Long Island New York
Google Review of divorce longisland
Melissa Rappa
Melissa Rappa
18:09 08 Feb 24
At one of the hardest and most stressful times of my life, it was so comforting to have a team at Hornberger and Verbitsky who ALWAYS responded in record speed to my questions, phone calls, emails or texts and who I felt really cared about helping me through this difficult time. It was a long few years and I am grateful to all of you. Thank you so much Rob, AnneMarie, Christine, Patty, Joan and Lawrence. Your guidance, professionalism and expertise is appreciated beyond measure.
Paul Carmichael
Paul Carmichael
16:21 11 Dec 23
I would give 6 stars if I could. I can't say enough good things about Robert and his firm. We were in a situation for over 2 years and I could have never made it through without Robert's experience and knowledge. He guided me through tough times when needed and his expertise could "read" the situation and make the next best move for me. He was tough when he needed to be tough (thankfully) and at the same time guided me through the process to make me feel comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. I would not want to go through this process without Robert and his team having my back. he helped move the case along and not waste any time or money. One last time, I 100% endorse Robert and his expertise.

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Child Support Calculator
Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. respects your right to privacy. We will never sell your information to any third party. Follow this link to read our full privacy policy.

Maximize Your Divorce Settlement with Insights from a Seasoned Divorce Lawyer

Maximize Your Divorce Settlement with Insights from a Seasoned Divorce Lawyer

Maximize Your Divorce Settlement with Insights from a Seasoned Divorce Lawyer

Navigating the complexities of divorce can be emotionally and financially draining for everyone involved. When it comes to maximizing your divorce settlement, seeking insights from a reputable and experienced divorce law firm can make all the difference between a good divorce settlement and a bad divorce settlement. In this guide, we will delve into the strategies and considerations that can help you secure a fair and favorable outcome for you and your family. From understanding your rights to negotiating effectively, we will explore the key steps involved in the divorce settlement process. With the expertise of a seasoned divorce attorney, you will gain valuable perspectives on asset division, alimony, child custody, and other critical aspects of New York divorce law. By empowering yourself with this knowledge and professional guidance, you can approach your divorce proceedings with the confidence and clarity you need to succeed. Let’s embark on this journey together to uncover the essential tips and strategies you need to maximize your divorce settlement.
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Free New York Divorce Lawyer Consultation

Financial Complexity and Expert Advice in Divorce Settlements

In complex divorce settlements, financial matters can often become incredibly intricate. From dividing assets to determining spousal support, the financial implications of a divorce can be overwhelming. This is where certified financial experts can play a crucial role. These professionals are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to navigate the intricate financial landscape of divorce proceedings. By enlisting the help of certified experts, individuals can ensure that their financial interests are protected and that settlements are reached fairly and equitably.

Role of Financial Analysts and Mediators in Divorce Settlement Negotiations

Financial analysts and divorce mediators can play a pivotal role in divorce settlement negotiations. Financial analysts bring a wealth of financial acumen to the table, helping individuals understand the implications of various financial decisions. They can assist in valuing assets, assessing tax implications, and creating financial projections to guide decision-making. Divorce Mediators, on the other hand, facilitate communication and negotiation between parties, helping to reach mutually agreeable settlements. By working in tandem, financial analysts and mediators help divorcing couples navigate the complexities of financial settlements, ultimately striving for outcomes that meet the needs of all parties involved.

Importance of Legal Counsel in Divorce Settlement Proceedings

In addition to financial experts, experienced legal counsel also plays a critical role in divorce settlements. Attorneys specializing in family law provide essential guidance on legal matters, ensuring that all aspects of the divorce process adhere to relevant laws and regulations. Legal counsel can help individuals understand their rights, obligations, and options when it comes to property division, child custody, and other legal issues. By having a knowledgeable attorney on your side, you can navigate the legal complexities of divorce with confidence and clarity.

Emotional and Psychological Support During Divorce

Beyond the financial and legal aspects, divorce can take a significant emotional toll on individuals. It is essential to recognize the emotional challenges that often accompany the divorce process and seek appropriate support. Therapists, counselors, and support groups can provide valuable emotional guidance and coping strategies to help individuals navigate the emotional upheaval of divorce. By addressing the emotional aspects of divorce, individuals can work toward healing and rebuilding their lives post-divorce.

Divorce Settlements Require a Multidisciplinary Approach

Navigating the financial complexities of divorce settlements requires a multidisciplinary approach. By enlisting the expertise of financial analysts, mediators, legal counsel, and emotional support professionals, individuals can navigate the divorce process with greater clarity and confidence. By working together, these experts help divorcing couples reach fair and equitable settlements that address both financial considerations and emotional well-being. Seeking expert advice and support throughout the divorce process can pave the way for a smoother transition into the next chapter of life.

divorce settlements long island ny




Child Support, Tax Implications, and Legal Considerations of Divorce Settlements

Impact of Divorce on Child Support and Tax Obligations

When going through a divorce, one of the critical aspects to consider is the impact it will have on child support and tax obligations. It’s essential to understand how child support payments are determined and how they can affect your taxes. Additionally, the legal implications of child support agreements should be carefully reviewed to ensure compliance with New York state law.

Addressing Tax Credits, Deductions, and Custody Issues

Another important topic to explore is how divorce can impact tax credits, deductions, and custody arrangements. Understanding the tax implications of divorce can help you make informed decisions regarding child custody and financial matters. It’s crucial to be aware of any tax credits or deductions you may be eligible for as a custodial or non-custodial parent. Moreover, negotiating custody arrangements must consider the best interests of the child while also addressing tax implications is vital for all parties involved.

Navigating child support, tax implications, and legal considerations during a divorce requires careful attention to detail and a thorough understanding of the relevant laws and regulations. Seeking professional advice from legal and financial experts can help ensure that you make informed decisions that protect your interests and those of your children.

Tax Implications of Child Support

Child support payments are typically not tax-deductible for the parent making the payments, nor are they considered taxable income for the parent receiving them. Understanding these tax implications is crucial for proper financial planning post-divorce. It’s advisable to consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance with tax laws and to explore any potential tax benefits or consequences related to child support.

Legal Considerations in Child Custody

When addressing custody issues during a divorce, it’s essential to prioritize the well-being of the child. Legal considerations such as visitation rights, decision-making authority, and parental responsibilities should be clearly outlined in a custody agreement. Working with a family law attorney can help ensure that the custody arrangement is legally sound and in the best interests of the child. Additionally, understanding the legal implications of custody arrangements can help prevent future disputes and ensure a smoother co-parenting experience.

Financial Planning and Child Support

Effective financial planning is crucial when navigating child support obligations post-divorce. Understanding the financial impact of child support payments, tax implications, and other related expenses can help you create a sustainable budget and secure your financial future. Consider working with a financial advisor to develop a comprehensive financial plan that accounts for child support, savings goals, and long-term financial stability.

In summary, child support, tax implications, and legal considerations are integral aspects of the divorce process that require careful attention and planning. By staying informed about the financial and legal implications of divorce, you can make well-informed decisions that protect your interests and support the well-being of your children.



Free New York Divorce Lawyer Consultation
Free New York Divorce Lawyer Consultation
Mr. Robert Hornberger is incredibly knowledgeable, professional, patient, and kind. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for an attorney that they can trust. You will get the information you need to make important decisions for yourself and family. Highly recommend!!

~ Laura Damico


Mediation, Court Procedures, and Finalizing Divorce Settlements

Benefits of Divorce Mediation and Legal Assistance

Navigating the intricate landscape of divorce proceedings requires a strategic approach that prioritizes effective communication, legal expertise, and a thorough understanding of court procedures. In this comprehensive section, we will explore the multifaceted benefits of divorce mediation, shed light on the nuances of the court review process, and emphasize the importance of skillfully finalizing settlements.

Divorce mediation stands out as a beacon of hope amidst the tumultuous sea of marital dissolution. By opting for mediation, couples can engage in constructive dialogue facilitated by a neutral mediator, fostering a cooperative environment where both parties can voice their concerns and work toward mutually agreeable solutions. This collaborative approach not only expedites the resolution process but also cultivates a sense of empowerment and autonomy, allowing individuals to actively shape the outcome of their divorce with dignity and respect.

The invaluable support of knowledgeable legal professionals cannot be overstated in yourof divorce proceedings. Seeking experienced legal assistance ensures that your rights are safeguarded, and critical decisions regarding asset division, child custody, and spousal support are made with clarity and foresight. A skilled attorney serves as a beacon of guidance, offering expert advice tailored to your unique circumstances and advocating for your best interests throughout your legal journey.

Transitioning from mediation to the court review process marks a pivotal stage in finalizing your divorce settlement. Courts meticulously scrutinize proposed agreements to verify their fairness and compliance with legal standards, underscoring the significance of meticulous preparation and adherence to regulatory requirements. Understanding the intricacies of court review not only streamlines the settlement finalization process but also instills confidence in the integrity and enforceability of the negotiated terms.

By equipping yourself with knowledge about mediation, legal advocacy, and court procedures, you empower yourself to navigate the complexities of divorce with resilience and clarity. Embrace the transformative potential of informed decision-making and collaborative problem-solving, paving the way for a smoother transition into a new chapter of your life filled with hope, empowerment, and renewed possibilities.


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Free New York Divorce Lawyer Consultation


Insights from Legal Experts Key to Successful Divorce Settlements

Importance of Legal Support in Understanding Divorce Laws

Legal support is essential for individuals going through a divorce to understand their rights and obligations under the law. Legal experts provide valuable insights into the legal implications of various decisions, such as asset division, child custody, and alimony. By seeking legal guidance, individuals can make informed choices that protect their interests and ensure a fair outcome in the divorce process.

Expertise of Legal Professionals

Legal experts bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table when assisting individuals with divorce proceedings. They can explain complex legal concepts in a clear and understandable manner, ensuring that their clients are well-informed throughout the process. Moreover, experienced legal professionals can anticipate potential challenges and provide strategic advice to help clients navigate any obstacles that may arise.

Collaborative Decision-Making

Both early settlement panels and legal experts promote collaborative decision-making in divorce cases. By encouraging open communication and compromise, these professionals empower individuals to take an active role in shaping the outcome of their divorce. This collaborative approach not only fosters a sense of ownership over the decisions made but also increases the likelihood of reaching agreements that are sustainable in the long run.

Legal Experts are Invaluable Resources in Divorce Settlements

Insights from legal experts are invaluable resources for individuals navigating the complexities of divorce. By leveraging the expertise of these professionals and embracing a collaborative mindset, individuals can work toward achieving fair and mutually beneficial outcomes in their divorce proceedings.

Drafting and Reviewing Divorce Settlement Agreements

Divorce settlement agreements are crucial documents that outline the terms and conditions of a divorce. They can have a significant impact on the current and future lives of both parties involved, making it essential to ensure they are comprehensive, fair and sustainable for the long term. We will explore the key elements of a comprehensive divorce settlement agreement and discuss the importance of legal review and mediation in creating fair agreements.

Key Elements of a Comprehensive Divorce Settlement Agreement

A comprehensive divorce settlement agreement should address various aspects of the divorce to avoid future conflicts. Some key elements to include:

  • Division of Assets and Debts: Clearly outline how assets and debts will be divided between the parties.
  • Child Custody and Support: Establish a detailed plan for child custody, visitation rights, and child support payments.
  • Alimony or Spousal Support: Determine if any spousal support will be provided and specify the terms of such support.
  • Insurance and Benefits: Address issues related to health insurance, life insurance, and other benefits.

Importance of Legal Review and Mediation for Fair Agreements

Legal review and mediation can play crucial roles to ensure that divorce settlement agreements are fair and legally sound:

  • Legal Review: Seeking legal advice during the drafting process can help identify any potential issues and ensure that the agreement complies with relevant New York state laws.
  • Mediation: Mediation can help parties reach a mutually agreeable settlement with the assistance of a neutral third party. It promotes communication and can lead to more satisfactory outcomes for both parties.

Additional Considerations for a Divorce Settlement Agreement

  • Tax Implications: Address how taxes will be handled post-divorce, including implications for filing status, deductions, and credits.
  • Retirement Accounts: Detail how retirement accounts, pensions, and other long-term savings will be divided or maintained.
  • Real Estate and Mortgages: Determine the fate of the marital home, any other properties, and associated mortgage responsibilities.
  • Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Include provisions for resolving disputes that may arise post-divorce, such as through arbitration or alternative dispute resolution methods.

Drafting and reviewing divorce settlement agreements requires careful consideration of many factors to protect the interests of all parties involved. By including key elements and seeking legal review and mediation, couples can work toward creating fair and comprehensive agreements that facilitate a smoother transition post-divorce. It is critical for individuals going through a divorce to prioritize communication, transparency, and legal guidance to ensure a successful and amicable resolution.

Support & Guidance Are the Keys to Maximize Your Divorce Settlement

Navigating the complexities of divorce can be overwhelming, but with the right guidance and support, you can maximize your settlement and secure a positive outcome. Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C., a trusted law firm specializing in divorce and family law on Long Island, offers valuable resources such as their informative books. “New York Divorce Guide: What You Need to Know Before Hiring a Divorce Lawyer in New York and “Successful Divorce Strategies: How to Ensure a Positive Resolution to the End of Your Marriage” . These resources can empower you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions during this challenging time. Whether you are considering collaborative divorce, mediation, or need assistance with child custody or support matters, the expertise of Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. Can guide you toward a successful resolution.

Contact Us for Assistance with Your Divorce Settlement

You don’t have to face this journey alone. The experienced team at Hornberger Vertbistsky, P.C. is here to help. To learn more and schedule a free consultation and case evaluation, contact us at 631-923-1910.


GET YOUR FREE CONSULTATION TODAY Call 631-923-1910 or fill in the form below

Get your complimentary consultation and case evaluation with our experienced attorneys today. Your attorney will describe the many options available and determine together which is the right solution for you. By the end of this  conversation, we’ll all understand how we can best help you to move forward.

No Cost or Obligation

There is no cost or obligation for this initial consultation. It is simply an opportunity for us to get to know each other, answer your questions and learn if Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. is right the right law firm for you. Give us a call at 631-923-1910 or fill in the short form below for your free consultation and case evaluation. All Fields Are Required

* indicates required

About the Author

Robert E. Hornberger, Esq., Founding Partner, Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.

  • Over 20 years practicing matrimonial law
  • Over 1,000 cases successfully resolved
  • Founder and Partner of Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.
  • Experienced and compassionate Long Island Divorce Attorney, Family Law Attorney, and Divorce Mediator
  • Licensed to practice law in the State of New York
  • New York State Bar Association member
  • Nassau County Bar Association member
  • Suffolk County Bar Association member
  • “Super Lawyer” Metro Rising Star
  • Nominated Best of Long Island Divorce Attorney four consecutive years
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee Contributor
  • Collaborative Law Association of New York – Former Director
  • Martindale Hubbell Distinguished Designation
  • America’s Most Honored Professionals – Top 5%
  • Lead Counsel Rated – Divorce Law
  • American Institute of Family Law Attorneys 10 Best
  • International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
  • Graduate of Hofstra University School of Law
  • Double Bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy, Politics & Law and History from SUNY Binghamton University
Divorce Lawyer Long Island New York
Google Review of divorce longisland
Melissa Rappa
Melissa Rappa
18:09 08 Feb 24
At one of the hardest and most stressful times of my life, it was so comforting to have a team at Hornberger and Verbitsky who ALWAYS responded in record speed to my questions, phone calls, emails or texts and who I felt really cared about helping me through this difficult time. It was a long few years and I am grateful to all of you. Thank you so much Rob, AnneMarie, Christine, Patty, Joan and Lawrence. Your guidance, professionalism and expertise is appreciated beyond measure.
Paul Carmichael
Paul Carmichael
16:21 11 Dec 23
I would give 6 stars if I could. I can't say enough good things about Robert and his firm. We were in a situation for over 2 years and I could have never made it through without Robert's experience and knowledge. He guided me through tough times when needed and his expertise could "read" the situation and make the next best move for me. He was tough when he needed to be tough (thankfully) and at the same time guided me through the process to make me feel comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. I would not want to go through this process without Robert and his team having my back. he helped move the case along and not waste any time or money. One last time, I 100% endorse Robert and his expertise.

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Child Support Calculator
Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. respects your right to privacy. We will never sell your information to any third party. Follow this link to read our full privacy policy.

How Long Can a Divorce Take in New York?

How Long Can a Divorce Take in New York?

How Long Can a Divorce Take in New York?

One of the most common questions we hear from our clients is “how long can a divorce take in New York?”. This article will help answer this question if you are considering a divorce and want to know how long the process could take in New York.

When deciding to end your marriage, we understand that you want to know how long divorce proceedings take in New York. Unfortunately, every case is unique and the duration of your specific case depends largely on how many of the issues involved in your divorce you and your spouse can agree on and how quickly. The length of time your divorce will take in New York depends largely on whether it is an uncontested or contested divorce.

For an uncontested divorce with agreement on all issues like property division, child custody and child support, the divorce process in New York typically takes 3 to 6 months. If both you and your spouse are in agreement and cooperate, there are no objections and the divorce is granted without difficulty, your divorce can be finalized relatively quickly.

However, a contested divorce with disagreements over finances, assets, child arrangements and the many other issues to be resolved in your divorce often takes well over a year. Understandably, the longer your divorce continues and the more hours your divorce attorney has to work on your case, the higher your legal costs will go.

To help speed things along, it’s wise to work with an experienced divorce attorney from a reputable mid-sized divorce law firm. Attorneys with experience in Nassau County and Suffolk County courts can assist with negotiation, divorce mediation and collaborative divorce to resolve issues quickly and finalize your divorce settlement in the most efficient way. Choosing the right representation is key to avoiding unnecessary delays in your New York divorce.

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Free New York Divorce Lawyer Consultation

The length of time it takes to finalize a divorce in New York depends on several factors really depends on the specifics of your situation. If everything is agreed upon upfront between you and your spouse, an uncontested divorce could be finalized within 3 to 6 months. However, if there are disputes over things like property, finances, or child custody, your divorce could easily drag the process out for over a year. The more issues that need to be resolved through the courts or with lawyers, the longer your divorce will likely take.

The key things that determine how long a divorce takes in New York include:

  • Whether you and your spouse can agree on major issues like how to split assets, debts, and child arrangements.
  • Whether either party objects to the divorce or contests what the other is requesting. If these can’t be resolved between you and your spouse and your attorneys, this can lead to going before a judge to resolve the issues.
  • The backlog of the court system and the availability of hearing dates for contested issues.
  • The complexity of assets to be divided, like businesses, investment accounts, and retirement plans. The more complex, the longer it takes.

So unfortunately, there’s no definitive timeline and a lot depends on your specific circumstances. But a range of 3 months to over a year for the entire divorce process is pretty typical in New York. The best advice is to be realistic, try to cooperate with your spouse as much as possible, and work with experienced divorce attorneys who can help navigate the process efficiently.

Contested Divorce in New York

A contested divorce happens when spouses cannot agree on important issues like how to divide property, spousal support, or child custody arrangements. In these situations, the court has to make final rulings on any unsettled issues through a legal process. This often makes the divorce drag on for a long time and cost a lot more money. Gathering evidence through things like interrogations, depositions, and subpoenas can extend the timeline further. It’s not uncommon for a contested divorce to take several years when things are complex.

Uncontested Divorce in New York

An uncontested divorce is faster and more affordable because spouses have already negotiated the terms themselves. They file a settlement agreement with the court, and a judge will typically grant the divorce within a few months. Because the spouses have reached their own agreement, the court does not need to make determinations on disputed issues through a trial. This streamlined process allows for a quicker resolution.

Divorce Mediation in New York

Divorce mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method where spouses work with a neutral divorce mediator to reach agreement. Mediation often shortens the timeline and reduces costs compared to litigation. Instead of court appearances and legal maneuvering, spouses meet with the mediator and each other to discuss concerns, priorities and options for settlement. The mediator helps facilitate compromise and draft a memorandum of understanding. If successful, the spouses can submit this agreement to the court and finalize the divorce within a few months. Mediation may be the best approach if you want to avoid a long, drawn-out court battle.

Factors That Can Lengthen How Long a Divorce Takes in New York

Contested Divorce Issues

In a contested divorce, disagreements over major issues like child custody, division of assets, alimony, and child support can significantly prolong the process. The more issues in dispute, the longer it may take to resolve them, especially if negotiations reach an impasse. You can reduce delays by compromising when possible and focusing on the key issues most important to you.

Poor Communication

A lack of open communication between spouses can hinder progress at every stage of the divorce. Unwillingness to share financial documents, reluctance to disclose relevant information to your attorney, or failure to respond to requests in a timely manner are all examples of poor communication that commonly cause delays. Making an effort to cooperate and maintain open lines of communication with your spouse and legal counsel can help expedite the process.

Unrealistic Expectations

Having unrealistic expectations about the outcome of your divorce can also extend the length of time it takes to finalize. The legal process of dividing assets and resolving custody matters takes time and may not always end in your favor. Understand that compromise is often necessary, and be willing to consider alternative solutions. Discussing expectations openly with your lawyer can help establish realistic timelines and outcomes.

The longer a divorce takes in New York, the higher the costs in legal fees and opportunity cost. While it can be a difficult process, approaching your divorce pragmatically and with realistic expectations can help minimize delays, reduce expenses, and allow you both to move forward as efficiently as possible.

Strategies to Shorten How Long a Divorce Takes in New York

So, how do you shorten how long a divorce can take in New York? Hiring an attorney experienced in divorce proceedings on Long Island, NY can help streamline your divorce process in New York. It’s important to choose a divorce lawyer wisely. Selecting an attorney with expertise in family law and years of experience handling divorces on Long Island, New York will ensure your case progresses as efficiently as possible. The more complex your divorce, the more critical it is to have properly experienced legal counsel.

Focus on key issues. Do not get embroiled in petty disputes. Concentrate on resolving the significant issues like division of major assets, spousal support, and custody arrangements. Compromise when you can to avoid lengthy legal battles over minor points of contention. The less you litigate, the less time your divorce will take.

Consider divorce mediation. If you and your spouse can come to an agreement on the division of assets and any custody issues, divorce mediation can help formalize your settlement quickly. A mediator can assist you in negotiating the terms of your divorce in a collaborative manner. Uncontested divorces typically take 3 to 6 months versus 12-18 months for contested divorces. The significant cost savings of a mediated settlement versus a litigated divorce are also appealing.

Consider divorce mediation if you and your spouse can agree. If you both can come to an agreement on how to split assets and handle any custody matters, mediation may help quickly formalize your settlement. A mediator will assist you in negotiating the terms of your divorce in a collaborative manner. Uncontested divorces usually take 3 to 6 months versus 12-18 months for contested divorces. The significant cost savings of a mediated settlement compared to a litigated divorce can also be appealing.

The length and cost of your divorce largely depends on your willingness and your spouse’s willingness to cooperate. Approach your divorce with a reasonable, practical and compromising attitude. Focus on the big picture issues rather than getting distracted by small grievances. Hiring an experienced New York divorce attorney along with considering mediation for an uncontested settlement can help move the process along as quickly and affordably as possible. The longer your divorce drags out, the more it will ultimately cost you both emotionally and financially.

The Cost Impact of a Lengthy Divorce in New York

Going through a divorce is difficult enough without adding excessive legal fees and costs to the process. The longer a divorce takes to finalize in New York, the higher the costs become for both parties. Each court appearance, motion, document filing, and exchange of correspondence racks up charges at your attorney’s hourly rate. According to the New York State Bar Association, the average divorce case in New York costs around $17,100 in legal fees alone.

Contested Divorces Take More Time in New York

Contested divorces, where spouses disagree on key issues like property division, spousal support, or child custody, often take 12-24 months or longer to resolve. During this time, legal costs can easily exceed $25,000 per party or more for complex cases. The more issues that require litigation and court intervention, the higher the fees become. It is not uncommon for some divorces to cost $50,000 or more by the time a final judgment is issued.

Uncontested Divorces Take Less Time in New York

In an uncontested divorce, spouses are able to come to an agreement on the division of marital assets and any issues involving children. Uncontested divorces typically take 3 to 6 months to finalize at a fraction of the cost. Legal fees can be less than $5,000 total since less court time is required. For those on a budget, an uncontested divorce or mediation are good options to consider in order to save time and money on your divorce in New York.

The costs associated with divorce are substantial. Do your best to come to an agreement with your spouse whenever possible to avoid lengthy court battles. Compromise and choosing uncontested options like mediation or collaborative divorce can help significantly reduce the time and money required to legally end your marriage in New York. The less time spent in divorce court, the more money stays in your pocket.

How an Experienced Long Island Divorce Lawyer Can Streamline Your Case

Superior Knowledge of Family Law

Experienced divorce attorneys have an in-depth understanding of New York’s complex family laws and legal procedures. They know how to navigate the Nassau County or Suffolk County court system efficiently and work to resolve issues as quickly as possible. Their expertise can help avoid delays caused by legal mistakes or insufficient knowledge of proper procedures.

Aggressive Representation

Seasoned divorce lawyers are skilled negotiators and litigators. They will aggressively represent your interests while also taking a pragmatic approach to resolving disputes. They understand how to determine what issues are worth pursuing in court and will fight tenaciously for your rights regarding custody, support, and asset division. At the same time, they seek to resolve issues amicably when possible to minimize conflict and legal fees.

Attention to Detail

Highly qualified divorce attorneys pay meticulous attention to the details in your case. They carefully review all documents and fully investigate the facts to identify key issues. Their sharp attention to detail allows them to craft persuasive arguments and identify weaknesses in the other party’s position. They leave no stone unturned in building the strongest case possible to achieve the best outcome for their clients.

Experienced divorce lawyers understand how to streamline the legal process as much as possible while still protecting your interests. Their knowledge, experience, and diligence can help reduce delays, avoid excess fees, and achieve fair results so you can move on with your life. For the quickest, most cost-effective divorce, retaining a skilled attorney is well worth the investment.

Contact Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. for a Free Consultation and Case Evaluation

If you are considering ending your marriage on Long Island, New York, it is important to understand the divorce process and factors that determine how long it may take. The length of time for a divorce to be finalized depends largely on whether it is contested or uncontested.

If possible, focus on reaching an amicable agreement that works for both of you. A drawn-out, contentious divorce benefits no one – especially your children. Take a practical, problem-solving approach and try to see things from your spouse’s perspective. With effort from both sides, you may be able to resolve most issues outside of court, reducing how long a divorce can take in New York.

If you have any other questions about divorce in New York or need help navigating your options, feel free to reach out to us at 631-923-1910. We will be happy to discuss your situation and help determine the best path forward.

At Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C., our divorce attorneys have over 50 years of combined experience helping clients through the legal complexities of divorce. We offer expert guidance on contested and uncontested divorce, legal separation, mediation, and child custody. Call us today at 631-923-1910 for a free initial consultation and case evaluation. We will review the details of your unique situation, provide an estimate of the time and costs involved, and work to resolve your divorce as quickly and affordably as possible. The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can start moving you through the process toward a new beginning.


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Get your complimentary consultation and case evaluation with our experienced attorneys today. Your attorney will describe the many options available and determine together which is the right solution for you. By the end of this  conversation, we’ll all understand how we can best help you to move forward.

No Cost or Obligation

There is no cost or obligation for this initial consultation. It is simply an opportunity for us to get to know each other, answer your questions and learn if Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. is right the right law firm for you. Give us a call at 631-923-1910 or fill in the short form below for your free consultation and case evaluation. All Fields Are Required

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Summary of How Long Can a Divorce Take in New York

Divorce can be both an emotionally and financially draining process. The longer it takes, the more emotionally and financially draining it is. An experienced divorce attorney can develop strategies to resolve issues efficiently and reduce the financial and emotional strain. Prioritize your children’s well-being and your long-term financial stability over prolonging conflicts. Consider mediation for an amicable settlement. The skilled Long Island divorce lawyers at Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. have helped many clients end marriages while minimizing costs and emotional strain. With over 50 years of combined experience, our attorneys serve clients in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Contact us today at 631-923-1910 or fill out the short form on this page to start the process of finalizing your divorce so you can move forward with your life. We will be happy to provide you with a free consultation and case evaluation.

Ending a marriage is never easy, but taking the right steps to minimize conflict and make the process as smooth as possible will help you move on more quickly. Consider the following:

  • Agree to keep communication civil and focused on the children’s needs. Avoid making personal attacks or accusations.
  • Settle as many issues as you can without involving lawyers to save on legal fees. Focus on priorities like dividing assets, determining child custody and support.
  • Seek the help of a marriage counselor or mediator to resolve disagreements and come to an amicable settlement. They can offer an unbiased perspective to help you find common ground.
  • Take time for yourself. Make self-care a priority during this stressful period. Exercise, spend time with friends, and pursue hobbies that bring you joy.
  • Be open with your children in an age-appropriate way. Explain the changes in an honest yet positive manner.

Key aspects that impact how long a divorce takes in New York:

  • The number of disputed issues. The more issues that need to be settled through litigation or negotiation, the longer the divorce proceedings will take.
  • Communication and cooperation. A lack of effective communication and willingness to cooperate between spouses leads to delays.
  • Unreasonable demands. Requests that cannot legally be granted under New York divorce laws prolong the divorce process.
  • Legal representation. Experienced divorce attorneys can expedite a case through negotiation, mediation and litigation if needed.

There are ways to shorten the process:

  • Focus on resolving important matters like finances, child custody and support first. Compromise where possible to come to an agreement.
  • Consider mediation to settle some or all issues out of court. This can streamline the legal process.
  • Hire an experienced New York divorce attorney to efficiently guide you through the divorce proceedings.

The longer a divorce drags on, the more stressful and expensive it becomes. With a practical approach and the right legal help, you can minimize delays to finalize your divorce and move forward with the next chapter of your life. Let’s discuss your options further so we can help you achieve the best possible outcome for your unique situation. Contact us at 631-923-1910 or fill out the short form on this page for a free consultation and case evaluation.

About the Author

Robert E. Hornberger, Esq., Founding Partner, Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.

  • Over 20 years practicing matrimonial law
  • Over 1,000 cases successfully resolved
  • Founder and Partner of Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.
  • Experienced and compassionate Long Island Divorce Attorney, Family Law Attorney, and Divorce Mediator
  • Licensed to practice law in the State of New York
  • New York State Bar Association member
  • Nassau County Bar Association member
  • Suffolk County Bar Association member
  • “Super Lawyer” Metro Rising Star
  • Nominated Best of Long Island Divorce Attorney four consecutive years
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee Contributor
  • Collaborative Law Association of New York – Former Director
  • Martindale Hubbell Distinguished Designation
  • America’s Most Honored Professionals – Top 5%
  • Lead Counsel Rated – Divorce Law
  • American Institute of Family Law Attorneys 10 Best
  • International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
  • Graduate of Hofstra University School of Law
  • Double Bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy, Politics & Law and History from SUNY Binghamton University
Divorce Lawyer Long Island New York
Google Review of divorce longisland
Melissa Rappa
Melissa Rappa
18:09 08 Feb 24
At one of the hardest and most stressful times of my life, it was so comforting to have a team at Hornberger and Verbitsky who ALWAYS responded in record speed to my questions, phone calls, emails or texts and who I felt really cared about helping me through this difficult time. It was a long few years and I am grateful to all of you. Thank you so much Rob, AnneMarie, Christine, Patty, Joan and Lawrence. Your guidance, professionalism and expertise is appreciated beyond measure.
Paul Carmichael
Paul Carmichael
16:21 11 Dec 23
I would give 6 stars if I could. I can't say enough good things about Robert and his firm. We were in a situation for over 2 years and I could have never made it through without Robert's experience and knowledge. He guided me through tough times when needed and his expertise could "read" the situation and make the next best move for me. He was tough when he needed to be tough (thankfully) and at the same time guided me through the process to make me feel comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. I would not want to go through this process without Robert and his team having my back. he helped move the case along and not waste any time or money. One last time, I 100% endorse Robert and his expertise.

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Child Support Calculator
Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. respects your right to privacy. We will never sell your information to any third party. Follow this link to read our full privacy policy.

How to File for Divorce in New York

How to File for Divorce in New York

How to File for Divorce in New York

Navigating Divorce in Nassau and Suffolk County, Long Island, NY

No one enters a marriage expecting it to end in divorce. Sadly, this is all too often the case as spouses grow apart and determine that they want different things in their lives. If you find yourself contemplating divorce in Nassau or Suffolk County, Long Island, understanding the process can empower you to move forward. This blog post provides an overview of how to file for divorce in New York, focusing on the Long Island counties of Nassau and Suffolk. It’s important to remember that every couple and every divorce situation is unique, and therefore it’s crucial to have experienced legal guidance to navigate the complexities involved in your specific divorce case.

Free New York Divorce Lawyer Consultation
Free New York Divorce Lawyer Consultation

Grounds for Divorce in New York State

New York state is a no-fault divorce state, meaning you don’t need to prove your spouse’s wrongdoing to obtain a divorce. You can file for divorce based on what is known as irretrievable breakdown of the marriage for at least six months. However, if you feel the need to divorce your spouse on grounds, there are seven grounds for divorce in New York, including:

  • adultery
  • cruel and inhuman treatment
  • abandonment
  • imprisonment
  • divorce after a legal separation agreement
  • divorce after a judgement of separation
  • irretrievable breakdown of the marriage for at least six months (No Fault Divorce)

While the first six grounds are rarely used since New York became the last state in the U.S. to enact true “no-fault” divorce in 2010, they can be relevant to certain couples in specific situations.

Residency Requirements in New York

To file for divorce in New York, the state has specific residency requirements, including:

  • At least one spouse must have been living in the state continuously for the past two years before the divorce case is started
  • At least one spouse has been living in the state continuously for at least one year
  • You were married in New York state
  • You lived in New York state as a married couple
  • The grounds for your divorce happened in New York state
  • Both you and your spouse are residents of New York state on the day the divorce is started and the grounds for your divorce happened in New York state.

This residency requirement ensures that New York courts have legal jurisdiction over your case.

Uncontested vs. Contested Divorce

An uncontested divorce occurs when both spouses agree on all aspects of the settlement, including child custody, property division, and alimony. This streamlined process is generally faster and less expensive. In contrast, a contested divorce arises when spouses cannot reach agreements, requiring the court to intervene and decide on disputed issues. Contested divorces can be lengthy, expensive and emotionally draining. In between the two are when the spouses agree on most of the aspects of the divorce settlement, but need help negotiating on a few issues. In these cases, if the spouses are on speaking terms and can have an amicable relationship, methods such as divorce mediation or collaborative divorce can help them get over the few remaining issues and resolve the divorce uncontested.

How to File for Divorce in Nassau County or Suffolk County, NY

Initial Steps

The initial steps in filing for divorce in Nassau County or Suffolk County involve gathering essential documents like your marriage certificate, proof of residency, and financial records. Consulting with a qualified and experienced Long Island divorce lawyer at this stage is highly recommended. An experienced divorce attorney can guide you through the process, discuss your specific circumstances, and develop a personalized strategy to protect your interests.

Filing the Petition

The divorce process formally begins with filing a petition, usually a Summons with Notice or Summons and Complaint, with the Suffolk County or Nassau County Clerk’s Office. This petition outlines the grounds for divorce and requests the court to dissolve the marriage. You can find more information and resources for filing for divorce on the New York State Unified Court System’s website.

Serving Your Spouse

Once the petition is filed, it’s crucial to serve your spouse with the divorce papers within 120 days in New York state. This can be done personally or through alternative methods if their whereabouts are unknown.

Negotiation or Trial

Uncontested divorces involve negotiation between spouses and/or their lawyers to reach a divorce settlement agreement. In contested divorces, the court may order a discovery process where spouses exchange information and documents to build their cases. Ultimately, contested divorces may require a court trial to resolve outstanding issues.

Reaching a Settlement Agreement

A comprehensive settlement agreement is vital in any divorce. This agreement outlines all divorce-related issues, including child custody and visitation arrangements, division of marital property and debt, and spousal maintenance (alimony). An experienced Long Island divorce lawyer can ensure your settlement agreement is fair, protects your rights, and addresses all necessary details. Your settlement agreement is a very important legal document that will have ramifications on your future for years to come. It is critically important that, even if you believe you and your spouse agree on all the terms of your divorce from the outset, that you have an experienced divorce attorney review this document before you sign it. There are issues that may come up years down the road you cannot possibly foresee now, but that an experienced divorce attorney will have seen hundreds of times. This is the best way to protect your future self and enable you to move on with your life after your divorce.

Final Hearing and Judgment

For uncontested divorces, a final court hearing is typically scheduled to finalize the divorce decree. The judge will review the settlement agreement and grant the divorce if everything is in order.

Considerations for Your Long Island, NY Divorce

Several crucial issues require careful consideration in a divorce settlement:

  • Child Custody and Visitation: If you have children, determining custody and visitation schedules is essential. An experienced Long Island divorce lawyer can help you navigate child custody arrangements that prioritize your children’s well-being and protect your right to be involved in your child’s life going forward.
  • Division of Marital Property and Debt: New York follows “equitable distribution” principles in dividing marital property and debt. In New York, marital property and debt are divided fairly, not necessarily equally. An experienced divorce lawyer can ensure a fair division based on your specific circumstances.
  • Spousal Maintenance (Alimony): In some cases, one spouse may be entitled to financial support from the other. A qualified divorce attorney can advise you on your eligibility for alimony and negotiate a fair support agreement on both sides. Whether you are the payor or the payee, it’s important to have an experienced divorce attorney help you with your spousal maintenance agreement. You want to be sure you receive everything to which you are entitled or not pay more than you should.

Benefits of Hiring an Experienced Long Island, NY Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is a complex legal process with significant emotional and financial implications. Hiring a skilled, experienced and compassionate Long Island, NY divorce lawyer from Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. offers numerous advantages:

  • Expert Guidance: We have extensive experience handling divorces in Nassau County and Suffolk County. We can guide you through each step, ensuring you understand your rights and options. We will protect your rights to your property and your children every step of the way.
  • Strategic Representation: We will develop a personalized strategy tailored to your unique circumstances. Our goal is to achieve a favorable outcome that protects your assets, minimizes financial burdens, and prioritizes your well-being.
  • Negotiation and Advocacy: Our attorneys are skilled negotiators who will advocate fiercely on your behalf. We will fight to secure a fair settlement agreement that reflects your interests.
  • Legal Expertise: We possess in-depth knowledge of New York divorce law, including child custody statutes, property division guidelines, and alimony regulations. This expertise allows us to navigate complex legal issues effectively.
  • Emotional Support: Divorce can be a highly emotional experience. Our compassionate team will provide support and guidance throughout the process, helping you navigate this challenging time.
  • Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness: While the cost of divorce will vary depending on the complexity of your case, our experienced divorce and family law lawyers can help streamline the process, potentially saving you time and money in the long run.

Schedule a Free Consultation with an Experienced Long Island, NY Divorce Lawyer

At Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C., we understand the emotional and financial challenges associated with divorce. We are committed to providing compassionate, effective and aggressive legal representation to clients throughout Nassau County and Suffolk County. Contact us today at 631-923-1910 or fill out the form on this page to schedule a free consultation and case evaluation and discuss your divorce options. We are here to help you navigate the path forward with confidence.

GET YOUR FREE CONSULTATION TODAY Call 631-923-1910 or fill in the form below

Get your complimentary consultation and case evaluation with our experienced attorneys today. Your attorney will describe the many options available and determine together which is the right solution for you. By the end of this  conversation, we’ll all understand how we can best help you to move forward.

No Cost or Obligation

There is no cost or obligation for this initial consultation. It is simply an opportunity for us to get to know each other, answer your questions and learn if Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. is right the right law firm for you. Give us a call at 631-923-1910 or fill in the short form below for your free consultation and case evaluation. All Fields Are Required

* indicates required

About the Author

Robert E. Hornberger, Esq., Founding Partner, Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.

  • Over 20 years practicing matrimonial law
  • Over 1,000 cases successfully resolved
  • Founder and Partner of Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.
  • Experienced and compassionate Long Island Divorce Attorney, Family Law Attorney, and Divorce Mediator
  • Licensed to practice law in the State of New York
  • New York State Bar Association member
  • Nassau County Bar Association member
  • Suffolk County Bar Association member
  • “Super Lawyer” Metro Rising Star
  • Nominated Best of Long Island Divorce Attorney four consecutive years
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee Contributor
  • Collaborative Law Association of New York – Former Director
  • Martindale Hubbell Distinguished Designation
  • America’s Most Honored Professionals – Top 5%
  • Lead Counsel Rated – Divorce Law
  • American Institute of Family Law Attorneys 10 Best
  • International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
  • Graduate of Hofstra University School of Law
  • Double Bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy, Politics & Law and History from SUNY Binghamton University
Divorce Lawyer Long Island New York
Google Review of divorce longisland
Melissa Rappa
Melissa Rappa
18:09 08 Feb 24
At one of the hardest and most stressful times of my life, it was so comforting to have a team at Hornberger and Verbitsky who ALWAYS responded in record speed to my questions, phone calls, emails or texts and who I felt really cared about helping me through this difficult time. It was a long few years and I am grateful to all of you. Thank you so much Rob, AnneMarie, Christine, Patty, Joan and Lawrence. Your guidance, professionalism and expertise is appreciated beyond measure.
Paul Carmichael
Paul Carmichael
16:21 11 Dec 23
I would give 6 stars if I could. I can't say enough good things about Robert and his firm. We were in a situation for over 2 years and I could have never made it through without Robert's experience and knowledge. He guided me through tough times when needed and his expertise could "read" the situation and make the next best move for me. He was tough when he needed to be tough (thankfully) and at the same time guided me through the process to make me feel comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. I would not want to go through this process without Robert and his team having my back. he helped move the case along and not waste any time or money. One last time, I 100% endorse Robert and his expertise.

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Child Support Calculator
Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. respects your right to privacy. We will never sell your information to any third party. Follow this link to read our full privacy policy.

Who Loses the Most in a Long Island, NY Divorce?

Who Loses the Most in a Long Island, NY Divorce?

Who Loses the Most in a Long Island, NY Divorce?

Regardless of whether you initiated your divorce or you are the one on the receiving end of this decision, a Long Island, NY divorce is sure to bring up numerous emotions, feelings, and concerns for you and your family. Whether you are going through an uncontested divorce or, especially in a contested divorce, proceedings may get heated – and you might feel angry, frustrated, and confused as well as hurt and sad. These are all normal reactions during the course of such an emotional experience as a divorce.

Emotional losses and financial losses are both major concerns as you navigate your divorce, so if you are considering ending your marriage, you will want to evaluate potential losses, consider how to best protect yourself, and ensure that you are set up to get back on your feet and on with your life again as soon as possible.

Free New York Divorce Lawyer Consultation

Coping With Financial Losses During a Long Island, NY Divorce

If you are like most people going through or about to go through a divorce on Long Island, NY, you will search Google, asking questions about divorce. You may stumble across statistics claiming that divorces are more impactful on men than women – or vice versa. For instance, research shows that men typically suffer a larger decline in their standard of living, with a drop between 10% and 40%. This can be linked to responsibilities regarding alimony and child support as well as new housing obligations.

On the flip side, women who do not have paid employment during the marriage can be suddenly faced with a challenging job search as they reevaluate their role in supporting their family. And even women who do have a job during a marriage tend to see their income drop by 20% after a divorce.  

Ultimately, divorce can be financially taxing for both spouses, so it’s important to protect yourself and your assets throughout the process. Equitable distribution laws in New York aim to fairly divide marital property (including the contents of shared bank accounts, property, and more) – and it’s important to remember that marital misconduct or fault is typically not considered when property is divided up. Instead, courts in New York look at your family’s financial situation holistically.

If you suspect that your ex is trying to hide assets or income, it’s important to get a trusted divorce lawyer involved as soon as possible. You are entitled to a certain level of spousal support if your partner is the higher-earning spouse, so it’s crucial that the financial disclosure is accurate and complete.

How to Handle Emotional Losses in Your Long Island, NY Divorce

Oftentimes, the emotional fallout of your divorce is just as, or more, damaging as the financial fallout. As you navigate a divorce in New York, it’s crucial to look out for yourself and ensure that you are caring for your mental and emotional wellbeing. Both partners will suffer emotionally from the hurt and anger often associated with divorce.

Here are a few of our tips for dealing with the emotional impact of getting divorced on Long Island, NY:

  • Talk to friends you can trust – but don’t share too much with mutual friends.
  • Take time for self-care.
  • Surround yourself with family who will support you.
  • Talk to a therapist.
  • Stay busy – reconnect with old hobbies or try a new one.

Safeguarding your emotional wellbeing is an important piece of successfully navigating your divorce and making sure that your losses are under control. It can be key to moving on with your life post-divorce.

Protecting Your Family Through a New York Divorce

Unfortunately, children in a divorce often end up losing the most when it comes to their emotional and mental wellbeing. As you navigate your divorce, it is important to ensure that your children are getting the support that they need from both parents as well as from other adults and potentially a family therapist. Communicating clearly with your children is key.

While sharing custody with your ex and potentially seeing less of your children can be a challenging piece of divorce, it’s crucial to look out for the best interests of your offspring. If you need assistance securing an agreeable child custody arrangement, it’s time to call in a divorce lawyer who can help you advocate for you and your children.

Choose Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. for Trusted Legal Advice for Your Long Island Divorce

As you navigate divorce on Long Island, NY finding the right divorce attorney is key to achieving a successful outcome for you and your family. When it comes to divorce, our team of experienced family law attorneys has seen it all and resolved thousands of divorces for people just like you.  

Contact us to learn more about your legal options or book a free initial consultation to discuss your case in detail. Call now at 631-923-1910 or complete our short contact form and we’ll get in touch with you.

GET YOUR FREE CONSULTATION TODAY Call 631-923-1910 or fill in the form below

Get your complimentary consultation and case evaluation with our experienced attorneys today. Your attorney will describe the many options available and determine together which is the right solution for you. By the end of this  conversation, we’ll all understand how we can best help you to move forward.

No Cost or Obligation

There is no cost or obligation for this initial consultation. It is simply an opportunity for us to get to know each other, answer your questions and learn if Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. is right the right law firm for you. Give us a call at 631-923-1910 or fill in the short form below for your free consultation and case evaluation. All Fields Are Required

* indicates required

About the Author

Robert E. Hornberger, Esq., Founding Partner, Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.

  • Over 20 years practicing matrimonial law
  • Over 1,000 cases successfully resolved
  • Founder and Partner of Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.
  • Experienced and compassionate Long Island Divorce Attorney, Family Law Attorney, and Divorce Mediator
  • Licensed to practice law in the State of New York
  • New York State Bar Association member
  • Nassau County Bar Association member
  • Suffolk County Bar Association member
  • “Super Lawyer” Metro Rising Star
  • Nominated Best of Long Island Divorce Attorney four consecutive years
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee Contributor
  • Collaborative Law Association of New York – Former Director
  • Martindale Hubbell Distinguished Designation
  • America’s Most Honored Professionals – Top 5%
  • Lead Counsel Rated – Divorce Law
  • American Institute of Family Law Attorneys 10 Best
  • International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
  • Graduate of Hofstra University School of Law
  • Double Bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy, Politics & Law and History from SUNY Binghamton University
Divorce Lawyer Long Island New York
Google Review of divorce longisland
Melissa Rappa
Melissa Rappa
18:09 08 Feb 24
At one of the hardest and most stressful times of my life, it was so comforting to have a team at Hornberger and Verbitsky who ALWAYS responded in record speed to my questions, phone calls, emails or texts and who I felt really cared about helping me through this difficult time. It was a long few years and I am grateful to all of you. Thank you so much Rob, AnneMarie, Christine, Patty, Joan and Lawrence. Your guidance, professionalism and expertise is appreciated beyond measure.
Paul Carmichael
Paul Carmichael
16:21 11 Dec 23
I would give 6 stars if I could. I can't say enough good things about Robert and his firm. We were in a situation for over 2 years and I could have never made it through without Robert's experience and knowledge. He guided me through tough times when needed and his expertise could "read" the situation and make the next best move for me. He was tough when he needed to be tough (thankfully) and at the same time guided me through the process to make me feel comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. I would not want to go through this process without Robert and his team having my back. he helped move the case along and not waste any time or money. One last time, I 100% endorse Robert and his expertise.

Successful Divorce Strategies Free eBook
Child Support & Spousal Maintenance Tools
Spousal Maintenance Calculator
Child Support Calculator
Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. respects your right to privacy. We will never sell your information to any third party. Follow this link to read our full privacy policy.

The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Divorce on Long Island, NY

The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Divorce on Long Island, NY

The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Divorce on Long Island, NY

Every divorce is different, but in terms of the legal proceedings, there are some commonalities that run through each case. Whether or not your divorce is contested or uncontested, it is crucial to understand the process of filing for and finalizing divorce on Long Island, NY. This guide will share some of the most important strategies, tips and tricks to ensure your divorce process goes as smoothly as possible.

Free New York Divorce Lawyer Consultation

6 Tips for a Successful Long Island, NY Divorce

Navigating divorce on Long Island, NY can be challenging, but these six tips from our experienced team of divorce lawyers, can set you up for success.

#1: Consider Your Options

Married couples have three legal options to begin to end their marriage in New York: legal separation, annulment, and divorce. Legal separation is not the same as physical separation, and it addresses many of the same issues that standard divorce proceedings do (including finances, custody, and property). However, the couple remains legally married.

Why consider legal separation? If one spouse is not a U.S. citizen, divorce could risk deportation. Other couples opt for legal separation due to religious reasons. There are financial benefits as well, such as keeping health insurance and filing taxes jointly. If none of these factors influence you, however, a more typical divorce might be the right choice.

#2: Decide Whether You Need a Contested or Uncontested Divorce as Early as Possible

There are essentially two types of divorces in New York: contested and uncontested. In a nutshell, an uncontested divorce can occur when both spouses want to get a divorce and fully agree about child custody, finances, and property distribution after the divorce. While most divorces in New York state are contested, uncontested divorces typically do not require litigation. That said, even if you and your spouse are in full agreement on the terms of your divorce, it’s important to hire an experienced divorce lawyer to represent you. Divorce agreements are complex, legally binding documents that can have far-reaching consequences for you and your family for years to come. Only an experienced divorce attorney will know and understand all the myriad of questions to ask and issues to address to ensure you and your family are fully protected and you are not blind-sided by some unforeseen circumstance in the future.

If you do need a contested divorce, that means that you and your spouse either disagree on the desire to get a divorce; the grounds for the divorce; or what will happen to your children, finances, or property after the divorce. If your divorce is contested, we highly recommend that you find an experienced divorce lawyer to represent you as soon as possible. Contested divorces can become fraught with issues and contentious quickly and it’s best to have qualified representation before you unwittingly create more problems for yourself that can’t be undone.

#3: Think About Child Custody Arrangements

If you and your spouse share children, it is important to think about how you will manage custody after your divorce takes place. There are two types of child custody in New York: physical and legal. Legal custody refers to the right to make major decisions about your child, whereas physical custody refers to whom the child lives with on a day-to-day basis.

Judges will account for numerous factors in their custody decisions, including who has been the primary caretaker previously, the quality of each parent’s home environment, and more. The guiding principle in child custody decisions in New York state is “the best interest of the child”. If you want to gain (or regain) custody of your children, it’s important to ensure you will have a safe and stable home environment in which they can live.

#4: Determine Your Net Worth

One of the most contested issues in Long Island, NY divorces is finances: who will pay or receive spousal support, how property will be divided, what to do with joint savings accounts, debts, retirement accounts and more. Before getting divorced, it is a good idea to determine your net worth so that you have an idea of where you stand financially. This will also help your attorney and the court negotiate appropriate payments.

#5: Ensure Your Safety After Filing for Divorce

In situations involving abuse on Long Island, NY, your and your children’s safety must come first. If you are concerned for your safety, you should file for an Order of Protection to keep your spouse away from you and your children, if you have them. This extends to not only physical violence but also emotional, verbal, sexual, and financial abuse. Taking steps to protect yourself as you file for divorce is essential, and you must make this your first priority.

#6: Choose a Trusted, Experienced Divorce Lawyer to Represent You

As you navigate a contested divorce on Long Island, NY, legal representation is essential to ensuring that you and your best interests are protected. It is crucial to select an experienced divorce lawyer, like our team at Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C., who has handled thousands of cases like this before. You need an ally to look out for your interests, and that is the role of your divorce lawyer.

Choose Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. When You Need Trusted Legal Advice for Your Long Island, NY Divorce

As you navigate divorce on Long Island, NY use these strategies to help you achieve a successful outcome for your family. For a more comprehensive guide, download our free e-e-books, “New York Divorce Guide” and “Successful Divorce Strategies”. When it comes to Long Island, NY divorce, our team has seen it all and developed strategies to ensure your rights are protected now, and in the future. Contact us to learn more about your legal options or book a free initial consultation to discuss your case in detail. Call now at 631-923-1910 or complete our short contact form, and we’ll get in touch with you to schedule your case evaluation.

GET YOUR FREE CONSULTATION TODAY Call 631-923-1910 or fill in the form below

Get your complimentary consultation and case evaluation with our experienced attorneys today. Your attorney will describe the many options available and determine together which is the right solution for you. By the end of this  conversation, we’ll all understand how we can best help you to move forward.

No Cost or Obligation

There is no cost or obligation for this initial consultation. It is simply an opportunity for us to get to know each other, answer your questions and learn if Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. is right the right law firm for you. Give us a call at 631-923-1910 or fill in the short form below for your free consultation and case evaluation. All Fields Are Required

* indicates required

About the Author

Robert E. Hornberger, Esq., Founding Partner, Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.

  • Over 20 years practicing matrimonial law
  • Over 1,000 cases successfully resolved
  • Founder and Partner of Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.
  • Experienced and compassionate Long Island Divorce Attorney, Family Law Attorney, and Divorce Mediator
  • Licensed to practice law in the State of New York
  • New York State Bar Association member
  • Nassau County Bar Association member
  • Suffolk County Bar Association member
  • “Super Lawyer” Metro Rising Star
  • Nominated Best of Long Island Divorce Attorney four consecutive years
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee Contributor
  • Collaborative Law Association of New York – Former Director
  • Martindale Hubbell Distinguished Designation
  • America’s Most Honored Professionals – Top 5%
  • Lead Counsel Rated – Divorce Law
  • American Institute of Family Law Attorneys 10 Best
  • International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
  • Graduate of Hofstra University School of Law
  • Double Bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy, Politics & Law and History from SUNY Binghamton University
Divorce Lawyer Long Island New York
Google Review of divorce longisland
Melissa Rappa
Melissa Rappa
18:09 08 Feb 24
At one of the hardest and most stressful times of my life, it was so comforting to have a team at Hornberger and Verbitsky who ALWAYS responded in record speed to my questions, phone calls, emails or texts and who I felt really cared about helping me through this difficult time. It was a long few years and I am grateful to all of you. Thank you so much Rob, AnneMarie, Christine, Patty, Joan and Lawrence. Your guidance, professionalism and expertise is appreciated beyond measure.
Paul Carmichael
Paul Carmichael
16:21 11 Dec 23
I would give 6 stars if I could. I can't say enough good things about Robert and his firm. We were in a situation for over 2 years and I could have never made it through without Robert's experience and knowledge. He guided me through tough times when needed and his expertise could "read" the situation and make the next best move for me. He was tough when he needed to be tough (thankfully) and at the same time guided me through the process to make me feel comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. I would not want to go through this process without Robert and his team having my back. he helped move the case along and not waste any time or money. One last time, I 100% endorse Robert and his expertise.

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How to Reduce Financial Loss During Divorce on Long Island, NY

How to Reduce Financial Loss During Divorce on Long Island, NY

How to Reduce Financial Loss During Divorce on Long Island, NY

There’s no getting away from the fact that divorce on Long Island, NY impacts nearly every part of your and your family’s life. One of the most significant and potentially devastating, to one party or the other, or both, is the family’s finances.

There are many ways that divorce can change the financial situation of each party to the divorce. To manage these changes, and minimize the negative effects these changes can have, you need to take some steps to protect your resources immediately.

Of course, the first thing to do is to create a realistic budget that outlines your financial needs and how your monthly income can meet those needs. Looking beyond that, here are three key areas you should be prepared focus on in your post-divorce life:

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Understand the Impact of Divorce on Your Taxes

Your tax situation is going to change significantly with a new filing status and, in many cases, a new tax bracket. If you have dependents, you and your ex must agree on who will claim them on their taxes or if you will alternate claiming them every other year. 

Now, during the year, make sure you update your withholdings on your paycheck to match what your financial obligations are more likely to be. If you are not able to claim dependents, you may benefit from increasing your withholdings to avoid a big tax bill later. 

Also, consider all dividends and stock sales, especially if these are a component of the divorce. You may face financial implications in some situations for capital gains with some of the investment properties you sell as a component of your divorce.

It’s important that you meet with an accountant now to create a plan for your taxes now before you’re surprised later.

Navigating Retirement Account Changes After Divorce

Retirement accounts can be a confusing component of divorce because they are all very different in terms of how they are taxed. Money added to retirement accounts during your marriage, as well as any pension plans that were built up during this time, are considered marital property and must be a consideration in the division of assets.

As a component of your divorce on Long Island, NY, you will need to determine if any changes must occur to split the assets, if you will keep your retirement account, and how you will utilize it moving forward.

It’s a good idea to make sure you’re planning for those changes immediately. If you have to take money out of your retirement account to help pay for divorce expenses or living expenses, there could be fines to pay, and it will impact your long-term savings. For these reasons, during your divorce negotiations, you may want to keep money in these accounts where they are and find another way to equitably distribute assets. Doing so can help reduce tax implications later and also help your retirement accounts to continue to grow.

What To Do About the Marital Residence After Divorce on Long Island, NY

One of the most impactful financial strategies you need to work out now is what happens to your marital home on Long Island, NY. While emotions are very difficult to separate from the decisions you will make based on your financial health, take into consideration the following:

  • Do you have the means to continue to meet all of the financial obligations of the home? This includes all mortgage, tax, insurance, maintenance and repairs, and improvements over time.
  • Would moving and selling the home allow you to create a new financial future for yourself without a significant mortgage burden? Could you sell the home and use the proceeds you receive to purchase a property that is a better option for you?
  • Could a new home lower your monthly housing expenses enough to enable you to invest the proceeds of the marital residence home sale to help defray your other living expenses?
  • If you want to maintain the home and your spouse will leave, you may need to qualify for a new mortgage. This would allow you to refinance the loan into your name and use the proceeds from any available equity to pay off the ex. Will you have enough income and credit to qualify for an affordable mortgage?

Make sure that the decisions you make about the marital home are ones that makes sense to you financially now and for your future, not just based on your emotional ties to the property or your desire to remain in the home your children grew up in.

Other Financial Factors to Keep in Mind in Your Long Island, NY Divorce

There are numerous other factors to consider when it comes to creating a strong financial path forward. Keep these in mind:

  • Know what your income is likely to be in the year or two to come. Do you need to have a plan to grow that income to meet your financial needs for the future?
  • Consider your credit score. Is it high enough to enable you to borrow at a reasonable rate and term?
  • Ensure you remove your ex from all credit cards and other loans you have.
  • Update all insurance coverage with new beneficiaries and contact information.

Don’t overlook the costs associated with filing for divorce.

Put Our Team of Experienced Long Island, NY Divorce Attorneys to Work for You

At Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C., we know divorce is a huge financial change. Our team of experienced Long Island, NY divorce attorneys can help guide you into ways to protect your assets and your financial future. Call us now for a free case evaluation at 631-923-1910 or fill in the short form on this page and we’ll get right back to you.

GET YOUR FREE CONSULTATION TODAY Call 631-923-1910 or fill in the form below

Get your complimentary consultation and case evaluation with our experienced attorneys today. Your attorney will describe the many options available and determine together which is the right solution for you. By the end of this  conversation, we’ll all understand how we can best help you to move forward.

No Cost or Obligation

There is no cost or obligation for this initial consultation. It is simply an opportunity for us to get to know each other, answer your questions and learn if Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. is right the right law firm for you. Give us a call at 631-923-1910 or fill in the short form below for your free consultation and case evaluation. All Fields Are Required

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About the Author

Robert E. Hornberger, Esq., Founding Partner, Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.

  • Over 20 years practicing matrimonial law
  • Over 1,000 cases successfully resolved
  • Founder and Partner of Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.
  • Experienced and compassionate Long Island Divorce Attorney, Family Law Attorney, and Divorce Mediator
  • Licensed to practice law in the State of New York
  • New York State Bar Association member
  • Nassau County Bar Association member
  • Suffolk County Bar Association member
  • “Super Lawyer” Metro Rising Star
  • Nominated Best of Long Island Divorce Attorney four consecutive years
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee Contributor
  • Collaborative Law Association of New York – Former Director
  • Martindale Hubbell Distinguished Designation
  • America’s Most Honored Professionals – Top 5%
  • Lead Counsel Rated – Divorce Law
  • American Institute of Family Law Attorneys 10 Best
  • International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
  • Graduate of Hofstra University School of Law
  • Double Bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy, Politics & Law and History from SUNY Binghamton University
Divorce Lawyer Long Island New York
Google Review of divorce longisland
Melissa Rappa
Melissa Rappa
18:09 08 Feb 24
At one of the hardest and most stressful times of my life, it was so comforting to have a team at Hornberger and Verbitsky who ALWAYS responded in record speed to my questions, phone calls, emails or texts and who I felt really cared about helping me through this difficult time. It was a long few years and I am grateful to all of you. Thank you so much Rob, AnneMarie, Christine, Patty, Joan and Lawrence. Your guidance, professionalism and expertise is appreciated beyond measure.
Paul Carmichael
Paul Carmichael
16:21 11 Dec 23
I would give 6 stars if I could. I can't say enough good things about Robert and his firm. We were in a situation for over 2 years and I could have never made it through without Robert's experience and knowledge. He guided me through tough times when needed and his expertise could "read" the situation and make the next best move for me. He was tough when he needed to be tough (thankfully) and at the same time guided me through the process to make me feel comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. I would not want to go through this process without Robert and his team having my back. he helped move the case along and not waste any time or money. One last time, I 100% endorse Robert and his expertise.

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Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. respects your right to privacy. We will never sell your information to any third party. Follow this link to read our full privacy policy.

How Will Your Divorce Impact Your Health Insurance in NY?

How Will Your Divorce Impact Your Health Insurance in NY?

How Will Your Divorce Impact Your Health Insurance in NY?

When you decide to get divorced on Long Island, New York, you are will face many changes and new challenges in your life. While it might not be at the forefront of your mind during this difficult time, health insurance coverage is important to consider now and for your future.

In many marriages, one spouse depends on the other for health insurance – for instance, you or your partner may receive coverage through a plan offered by the other’s employer. So what happens to your health insurance in a divorce? When will these changes occur? Will you be required to provide coverage for your spouse? In this guide to health insurance after divorce, we will address these questions.

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Health Insurance Coverage After Divorce on Long Island, New York

In many divorce proceedings, health insurance coverage can be a contentious issue. But the good news is some protections keep the rug from being pulled out from under your feet. While your divorce is pending, you will more than likely still be covered.

That is due to federal protections called automatic temporary restraining orders (ATROs). When one party files for divorce, ATROs take effect and prohibit either spouse from changing the beneficiaries listed on their health insurance policies. This protection encompasses a full range of health plans, including those from an employer, individual plans purchased via marketplace, and Medicaid.

Once the divorce is final, a spouse can then be removed from a health insurance plan. At that point, however, there are some options to ensure that you or your spouse retains the necessary coverage to meet your needs.

How to Get Health Insurance After a Long Island, NY Divorce

It is important to keep your health insurance up to date – if you do not have health insurance, you may be unable to see healthcare providers and specialists or receive your prescriptions at an affordable cost. After a divorce on Long Island, New York, you may lose health insurance. However, there are a few different ways to ensure your coverage remains stable.

One option is COBRA, a federal law that allows a divorced spouse to continue coverage under their former spouse’s plan for up to three years. The catch is that these benefits are not automatic. You must elect to partake in COBRA coverage within 60 days of the finalization of your divorce. If you miss this window, you will need to find alternate coverage.

While COBRA might seem like an attractive option, it is often quite expensive. For those without pre-existing conditions that raise health insurance premiums, it can be a better option to price shop on the open market in order to find a plan with more flexibility and lower costs.

One other common pathway is finding out if your employer offers group health insurance. You will have to report your change in marital status to your employer’s HR department. While your divorce finalization date may not fall in the open enrollment period for your company’s health insurance, a change in marital status will qualify you to enroll outside that period. If you are working after your divorce, employer-based health insurance can be an attractive option.

You can also assess whether you are qualified for Medicaid benefits. Medicaid is health insurance provided by the U.S. government to benefit low-income Americans. If you are going to lose health coverage due to your divorce, it may be worth considering a Medicaid application to determine your eligibility. Each state’s requirements are slightly different, but you can check your income eligibility on the New York Department of Health site.

Is Health Insurance Part of a Long Island, NY Divorce Settlement?

In some cases, health insurance coverage can be included in the terms of the divorce settlement. If both spouses have agreed or the judge has issued an order to this effect, one spouse may provide health insurance to the other for a stated period of time.

If you are preparing for a divorce and considering your healthcare options, an experienced divorce attorney can shed more light on your specific situation. Your attorney can help you determine whether your spouse will be required to provide for your health insurance during and after the divorce. Your attorney can also assist you with understanding COBRA benefits and what options you can expect to be available to you after your divorce is final.

Trust Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. to Handle Health Insurance in Your Long Island, NY Divorce

We are experienced negotiators and litigators who can help you get the health insurance that you deserve. Contact us to learn more about your legal options or to book your free initial consultation to discuss your case in detail. Call now at 631-923-1910 or complete our short contact form, and we’ll get in touch with you to schedule your consultation.


GET YOUR FREE CONSULTATION TODAY Call 631-923-1910 or fill in the form below

Get your complimentary consultation and case evaluation with our experienced attorneys today. Your attorney will describe the many options available and determine together which is the right solution for you. By the end of this  conversation, we’ll all understand how we can best help you to move forward.

No Cost or Obligation

There is no cost or obligation for this initial consultation. It is simply an opportunity for us to get to know each other, answer your questions and learn if Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. is right the right law firm for you. Give us a call at 631-923-1910 or fill in the short form below for your free consultation and case evaluation. All Fields Are Required

* indicates required

About the Author

Robert E. Hornberger, Esq., Founding Partner, Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.

  • Over 20 years practicing matrimonial law
  • Over 1,000 cases successfully resolved
  • Founder and Partner of Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.
  • Experienced and compassionate Long Island Divorce Attorney, Family Law Attorney, and Divorce Mediator
  • Licensed to practice law in the State of New York
  • New York State Bar Association member
  • Nassau County Bar Association member
  • Suffolk County Bar Association member
  • “Super Lawyer” Metro Rising Star
  • Nominated Best of Long Island Divorce Attorney four consecutive years
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee Contributor
  • Collaborative Law Association of New York – Former Director
  • Martindale Hubbell Distinguished Designation
  • America’s Most Honored Professionals – Top 5%
  • Lead Counsel Rated – Divorce Law
  • American Institute of Family Law Attorneys 10 Best
  • International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
  • Graduate of Hofstra University School of Law
  • Double Bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy, Politics & Law and History from SUNY Binghamton University
Divorce Lawyer Long Island New York
Google Review of divorce longisland
Melissa Rappa
Melissa Rappa
18:09 08 Feb 24
At one of the hardest and most stressful times of my life, it was so comforting to have a team at Hornberger and Verbitsky who ALWAYS responded in record speed to my questions, phone calls, emails or texts and who I felt really cared about helping me through this difficult time. It was a long few years and I am grateful to all of you. Thank you so much Rob, AnneMarie, Christine, Patty, Joan and Lawrence. Your guidance, professionalism and expertise is appreciated beyond measure.
Paul Carmichael
Paul Carmichael
16:21 11 Dec 23
I would give 6 stars if I could. I can't say enough good things about Robert and his firm. We were in a situation for over 2 years and I could have never made it through without Robert's experience and knowledge. He guided me through tough times when needed and his expertise could "read" the situation and make the next best move for me. He was tough when he needed to be tough (thankfully) and at the same time guided me through the process to make me feel comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. I would not want to go through this process without Robert and his team having my back. he helped move the case along and not waste any time or money. One last time, I 100% endorse Robert and his expertise.

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Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. respects your right to privacy. We will never sell your information to any third party. Follow this link to read our full privacy policy.