How to Get Child Custody Back on Long Island, NY

Everyone is capable of making mistakes. But when those mistakes involve your children, the stakes are very high. If you find yourself in the situation of having lost custody of your child, you may be frightened, angry, or even embarrassed. But it’s possible to get custody back with time and effort. Here’s what you need to know about the process and what you can do to improve your chances of success.
The Process of Getting Child Custody Back
The first step in getting your child custody back of on Long Island is to file a petition with the appropriate Nassau County or Suffolk County court. This may include a proposed parenting plan. If your child’s other parent has custody, they must be served with the petition and will have an opportunity to respond. If the State of New York has custody, the process may be a little different.
Once the paperwork has been filed, you will need to go to court for a hearing. The judge will hear evidence from both sides and make a decision about whether or not you can regain custody or visitation time based on the best interests of the child. They may consider factors like whether or not you can provide the child with a stable environment and if you completed any parenting classes or coursework required by the court.
Remember that there is no guarantee that you will get custody of your child back just because you want it or think you deserve it. The court has it’s own specific requirements. Ultimately, it is up to the judge to make the final decision. That said, if you are not happy with the judge’s decision, you have the right to file an appeal.
Tips for Successfully Regaining Child Custody
If you were stripped of your child custody rights, getting them back can be an uphill battle, regardless of the reason your child was removed from your care. It may seem impossible at first, or like the system is out to get you. Rest assured that the far majority of judges want to reunite children with their families and will work with you to help make that happen.
#1. Be Prepared
When fighting to get custody of your child back it’s important to be as prepared as possible by knowing the law and how it applies specifically to your case. An experience child custody attorney can help guide you here. You should also have all of the documents and evidence needed to support your case in a secure place accessible only by you and your attorney. Prepare for a long and difficult emotional journey and reach out ahead of time for support and guidance from friends, family, and a counselor or therapist.
#2. Be Honest
It’s also important that you be honest throughout the process. This means being honest with yourself, your lawyer, and the court. Honesty is essential in demonstrating that you are fit to be a parent and that you are sincere in your desire to regain custody of your child. The court will take your honesty into consideration when making a decision about your case.
#3. Be Persistent
Finally, be persistent in pursuing custody of your child. This may mean appealing a negative decision or continuing to fight for your child’s rights even after you’ve been awarded custody. Whatever the case, it is important not to give up on your goal of regaining custody of your child. There are bound to be disappointments ahead, but there will likely be things to celebrate, too. And if you persevere, the end result is more likely to be better overall.
How a Seasoned New York Divorce Attorney Can Help You
One of the most important things you can do after losing custody of your child is to reach out to an experienced family attorney for legal help. Any mistakes along the way cost a lot at this point and you can’t afford to permanently lose custody as a result of simple paperwork errors or missing a deadline. Your attorney can help guide you through the many steps of satisfying court requirements without any mishaps.
Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. is a veteran Long Island family law firm that can help you fight zealously for your child to come back home to you where they belong. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation by dialing 631-923-1910 or completing our short online form below and we’ll get right back to you.
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Horberger Verbitsky, P.C. partners Robert E. Hornberger, Esq. and Christine M. Verbitsky, Esq.
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