What Are the 6 Stages of a Long Island Divorce?

What Are the 6 Stages of a Long Island Divorce?

What Are the 6 Stages of a Long Island Divorce?

Family researcher Paul Bohannon introduced the concept of the 6 stages of divorce: emotional, legal, economic, co-parenting, community, and psychological divorce. Understanding these stages can help you better navigate the process of dissolving your marriage and ideally resolve your Long Island divorce faster and with less expense. Here’s a quick overview of each stage of divorce and how to get the legal help you need when considering a divorce or going through one.


Am I Eligible for an Annulment Instead of a Divorce?

Am I Eligible for an Annulment Instead of a Divorce?

Am I Eligible for an Annulment Instead of a Divorce?

Divorce isn’t the only option to end a marriage on Long Island. In some cases, married couples may be eligible for an annulment. Here’s what you need to know about annulments, how they differ from a Long Island divorce, under what conditions are couples eligible to have their marriage annulled, and how to get legal help with an annulment. (more…)

What Rights Do Military Spouses Have in a Divorce?

What Rights Do Military Spouses Have in a Divorce?

What Rights Do Military Spouses Have in a Divorce?

The process of divorcing a military service member differs in some ways than the process of divorce between two civilians. Usually, military divorces tend to be more complex, particularly if the divorce takes place at a U.S. military base overseas. It’s important for civilians who are going through a military divorce to understand the unique rights they may be afforded as the former spouse of a service member and to get legal help securing those rights right away.

If you are the spouse of a service member involved in a divorce, you may have the right to:


What Are the 3 Things Needed for Divorce to Be Final?

What Are the 3 Things Needed for Divorce to Be Final?

What Are the 3 Things Needed for Divorce to Be Final?

For your Long Island divorce to be finalized, you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse must agree on at least two things, or three if you have children. Your divorce cannot proceed without reaching an agreement on the following matters and if you can’t, your divorce becomes contested and you’ll need to litigate your divorce. Here’s what you need to know about the three things required for a judge to sign your divorce decree.


What Is a Gray (50+) Divorce on Long Island?

What Is a Gray (50+) Divorce on Long Island?

What Is a Gray (50+) Divorce on Long Island?

Are you 50+ and considering getting a divorce? It’s not uncommon for older individuals in long-term marriages to decide that they want to end their relationship. Why is this, and how can you manage your gray divorce?

What Is a Gray Divorce?

A “gray divorce” is a colloquialism for a divorce between married seniors, usually who are over the age of 50 or 60. It’s a play on the term “gray,” which refers to the often graying hair of older couples.


Protect Yourself from Racial Inequality in Family Court

Protect Yourself from Racial Inequality in Family Court

Protect Yourself from Racial Inequality in Family Court

As communities begin to explore the depths of racial inequality in today’s society and seek to rectify them, one place that may need to be addressed is the family court system. While most court systems in the U.S. are considered by some to be racially biased to some degree, New York courts cannot avoid the critical eye with regard to issues of discrimination and segregation of Black families and families of color. How does racial inequality manifest in family legal matters on Long Island and what can you do to protect your rights and the rights and best interests of your family? Here’s what you should know.


What If My Ex Disobeys Our Divorce Decree?

What If My Ex Disobeys Our Divorce Decree?

What If My Ex Disobeys Our Divorce Decree?

Once a divorce is finalized, each party is provided a legal document that details the agreements and settlements made between the two spouses during the divorce process. Unfortunately, many people don’t think they need to abide by the divorce decree, leaving their ex-spouses high and dry. What can you do if your ex doesn’t comply with your Long Island divorce decree?


How To Get Divorced During a Pandemic

How To Get Divorced During a Pandemic

How To Get Divorced During a Pandemic

The news of the novel coronavirus hit the U.S. fast and hard at the beginning of 2020. You may have been in the middle of negotiating your divorce or just about to put the pen to paper to sign your divorce settlement when everything was upended.

Can you still get a divorce in New York during the pandemic? What should you expect? Here’s what you need to know.



Can My Criminal Background Affect My Long Island Divorce?

Can My Criminal Background Affect My Long Island Divorce?

Can My Criminal Background Affect My Long Island Divorce?

Going through a divorce is difficult enough without navigating criminal charges. When criminal proceedings are intertwined with family legal matters, things can quickly become stressful. If you’ve been charged with a crime, either recently or in the past, your divorce may be affected. This is particularly true if you have children with your ex-spouse. Here’s what you need to know about proceeding with a divorce if you have a criminal background.


Should I File a Fault or No-Fault Divorce?

Should I File a Fault or No-Fault Divorce?

Should I File a Fault or No-Fault Divorce?

Determining how to file for divorce to obtain the best outcome can be difficult. Here’s what you need to know about the two different types of divorce options in New York, fault and no-fault divorce, and how to decide which is best for your unique circumstances.
