FAQs About Long Island Divorce Lawyers
Long Island Divorce Lawyers Answer Common Divorce Questions
As experienced divorce lawyers on Long Island, NY, we know nobody gets married expecting to get divorced, but when you make that decision, you need to ensure you have the proper representation to protect yourself, your children and your property.You’re likely visiting our website because you’ve come to the conclusion that you and your spouse and your children (if any) will be better off, happier and more productive apart than together.
We understand that you have not reached this decision easily and that it has probably already been a long and painful process for you. Our goal is to make the process of moving on from your marriage as painless and simple as possible.
We will help you separate from your spouse as quickly, easily and inexpensively as possible while protecting all your legal rights and financial assets so that you can move forward with your life without regrets and with the confidence that you received what’s rightfully yours and didn’t give up any more or less than necessary.
Is Divorce Complicated on Long Island?
Because you didn’t intend to go this route when you were married, we understand that it can seem overly complicated and stressful to you. In actuality, the process can be as simple or as complicated as you and your spouse make it. Your agreement is simply a way to divide up the things you have in common with your spouse in an equitable way so that you can each move on with your lives. Mainly, the process addresses the legal issues of property and asset division and issues surrounding your children.
Methods of Divorce Available on Long Island, NY
Today, there are many options or methods for ending your marriage. Which one is right for you is a matter of your own personal unique situation. The most common and well-known form is known as Litigation. This is where you and your spouse settle your affairs in front of a judge in the Nassau County or Suffolk County Court system. This is normally the most time-consuming, expensive and stressful way of ending your marriage. There are a number of other methods that can be both quicker, more affordable and less stressful, including Negotiation, Collaboration, and Mediation. Click this link to learn more about the different options available to you.
Is Divorce Expensive on Long Island?
Ending your marriage does not have to be very expensive at all. The law firm of Robert E. Hornberger, P.C. works very hard to keep the cost of its services as low as possible to make them affordable for all Long Islanders. Of course, the final expense will depend upon the complexity of the case, the method you choose and you and your spouse’s willingness to come to agreement on the issues involved. Read more about how affordable your Long Island divorce can be.
Why the Divorce Lawyers at Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.?
We know you have many choices when it comes to choosing a family law attorney to represent you. There are large, divorce “factories” that have dozens of lawyers, paralegals, assistants and other staff and there are small general practice attorneys that handle divorce as a tiny percentage of cases among other practice areas like bankruptcy, criminal law, real estate, etc. Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. focuses only on Divorce and Family Law on Long Island, NY. We have set up our company to be uniquely different from other law firms you may be considering for your family law representation. We are client focused and justifiably proud of our record of accomplishment representing Long Islanders like you in the Nassau County and Suffolk County Family Court System. Read More about the Robert E. Hornberger, P.C. difference and why we’re the best choice for your Family Law case.
How Do I Get Started Talking to One of the Divorce Lawyers at Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.?
Pick up the phone and call us at 631-923-1910 or fill out the form on this page to schedule your complimentary introductory consultation with Robert E. Hornberger, Esq. himself.
Your initial consultation is a casual “get to know you” meeting where we will get to know you and learn more about the specifics of your unique situation. We can discuss all the options available to you and help you decide which is the best route for you. You’ll get to know us and we’ll get to know you. Read more about our free initial consultation here.
Call 631-923-1910 or fill in the form below

Horberger Verbitsky, P.C. partners Robert E. Hornberger, Esq. and Christine M. Verbitsky, Esq.
Schedule your complimentary consultation and case evaluation with our experienced attorneys today. When you call, you’ll speak to our friendly Client Services Director, who will be able to answer your general questions and set up your appointment with an attorney who specializes in your unique case.
At your meeting, your attorney will describe the many options available and determine together which is the right solution for you. By the end of this meeting we’ll all understand how we can best help you to move forward.
No Cost or Obligation
There is no cost or obligation for this initial consultation. It is simply an opportunity for us to get to know each other, answer your questions and learn if Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. is right the right law firm for you. Give us a call at 631-923-1910 or fill in the short form below to schedule your free consultation and case evaluation.
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Links to More Information about Divorce on Long Island
What is a Divorce on Long Island, NY?
Divorce, also known as a Matrimonial Action, is the legal dissolution of a marriage by the State of New York.
Divorce is about handling all the practical matters that need to be addressed so you and your spouse can move on with your lives. Learn more about what’s involved in getting divorced in this article.
6 Signs Your Spouse May Want a Divorce
Don’t be blindsided by your spouse demanding a divorce. Look out for these 6 signs your marriage may be headed for divorce.
What You Need to Know About Divorce on Long Island Before You Proceed
What you need to know about divorce from an experienced, compassionate Long Island Divorce Attorney.
Divorce Attorney Long Island Grounds for Divorce
A review of the seven unique reasons, or “grounds”, under which you can get divorced on Long Island, New York.
How Long Does It Take to Get a Divorce?
Every divorce is different: some can be completed in 90 days while others take years. Have your case evaluated by a divorce attorney to learn more.
Where Do I Go for a Divorce on Long Island?
Divorce cases in New York State are handled by the Supreme Court, not, as many people believe, in Family Court.
What Are the Major Issues Involved in Most Divorces on Long Island?
Experienced Long Island Divorce attorney explains some of the major issues you and your spouse you will need to come to terms with in your divorce.
Learn About the Different Options You Have for Getting Divorced on Long Island
Did you know that you don’t have to appear in court to be divorced? There are a number of less costly, and just as legal, methods of divorce.
Other Options for Getting Divorced on Long Island
Litigation? Negotiation? Mediation? Collaboration? Which type of divorce is right for your circumstances? Call us at 631-923-1910 for a free consultation.
Divorce Alternatives to Ending Your Marriage on Long Island
There are options for avoiding divorce when religious or other circumstances prevent it. Your goals & objectives will determine what is right for you
How to Ensure Your Interests are Protected in Your Divorce
Divorce results in a division of assets between spouses so it is important to have a plan for protecting yourself to ensure you keep your fair share.
Hard Truths from a Divorce Attorney on Long Island
Long Island divorce attorney Robert E. Hornberger, Esq., explains some of the hard truths about the role of divorce attorneys in Nassau & Suffolk counties.
5 Common Divorce Mistakes Long Islanders Make
Avoid these common mistakes people make in their divorce & you’ll have a shorter, cheaper, less stressful divorce.
Should You Represent Yourself in a Divorce? – Long Island, NY
An examination of the pros and cons of representing yourself in your divorce in Nassau or Suffolk County Court.
Should Marital Misconduct Be Included in Divorce Proceedings on Long Island?
Should marital misconduct (ie, spousal abuse) be handled within a divorce action or under a separate tort action to recover damages for injuries?
Are Your Family & Friends the Best Resources During Your Long Island Divorce?
Learn why, while well-meaning, your family and friends are not the best resources to go to for legal advice when going through a divorce.
Frequently Asked Questions about Long Island Divorce Answered (part 1)
Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about divorce on Long Island.
Long Island Divorce Lawyers Answer Common Divorce Questions (part 2)
Experienced Long Island divorce lawyer tells you how to get a divorce in Nassau or Suffolk County when your spouse won’t cooperate.
Divorce Questions Answered by Long Island Divorce Attorneys (part 3)
Have questions about divorce on Long Island? Here’s what you need to know. When you’re ready, call 631-923-1910 for a complimentary consultation.
Long Island Divorce Lawyers Answers Divorce Questions (part 4)
Answers to Long Island Divorce Questions from Nassau County and Suffolk County families by Family Law Attorneys Robert E Hornberger PC in Melville, NY
Long Island Divorce Attorneys Answer Frequently Asked Questions (part 5)
Get answers to your No Fault Divorce, Divorce Litigation, Child Support, Mediation, Equitable Distribution & Divorce Cost questions.
Can I Get My Long Island Marriage Annulled Rather than Divorce?
Learn the difference between a divorce and an annulment, why you might want an annulment and if you’re eligible for an annulment.
What Are Void & Voidable Marriages on Long Island?
Read this article to understand the difference between ‘Void’ and ‘Voidable’ marriages and the circumstances that would give rise to either.
What Is a Default Judgment for Divorce on Long Island?
If your spouse is unwilling to appear for your divorce, you can seek a Default Judgment. Learn what this is and if your case qualifies.
Divorce After 50 on the Rise on Long Island
Long Island Divorce Lawyer says divorce after the age of 50 is becoming more common in Nassau County and Suffolk County.
The ‘Gray Divorce’: Long Island Divorce in Your Later Years
There are many unique considerations couples who have been married for many must address when they decide to end their marriage.
Avoid These Divorce After 50 on Long Island Mistakes
People divorcing after age 50 often have many more assets and complicated issues than younger divorcing couples. Learn how to avoid these common mistakes.
How To Divorce When You Can’t Find Spouse
Learn how you can still get divorced even if you can’t find your spouse.
Short-Term Marriage Divorce Considerations on Long Island
Short duration marriages that end in divorce face different issues than longer-term marriages, and divorcing couples should be aware of the implications.
Military Divorces Present Unique Challenges on Long Island
If you or your soon-to-be former spouse is in the military, you should know that there are a few ways that this can affect your divorce.
Is Divorce on Long Island an Option if You Had a Destination Wedding?
Learn the potential implications and ramifications of a destination wedding in the event it ends in divorce on Long Island.
Residency Requirements for a Divorce in Nassau County or Suffolk County
Long Island Divorce Lawyer explains residency requirements to file for divorce in Nassau County or Suffolk County Supreme Court.
Areas of Expertise | Robert E. Hornberger, PC
Areas of divorce expertise for Long Island, NY divorce attorney Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C.