Will Criminal Charges Affect Your Long Island Divorce?

Will Criminal Charges Affect Your Long Island Divorce?

Will Criminal Charges Affect Your Long Island Divorce?

Although criminal charges and family legal matters are handled in two different courts, they sometimes overlap. When they do, one may impact the other. Often, it’s criminal charges incurred during a divorce that affect the divorce instead of vice versa. Find out how a divorce influenced by criminal charges and when should you contact a divorce attorney? (more…)

3 Dangers of DIY Divorces on Long Island

3 Dangers of DIY Divorces on Long Island

3 Dangers of DIY Divorces on Long Island

While dissolving your marriage may be something you desire, few people on Long Island look forward to the actual process of getting a divorce. In addition to the emotional impact of divorce, many people fear the perceived cost of hiring an experienced divorce attorney. This has led to “do-it-yourself” divorces that promise the same outcome as filing with an attorney for a fraction of the time and cost. Is a DIY divorce really all it’s cracked up to be, or are there real risks associated with filing a divorce without legal counsel? (more…)

Do You Really Need to Go to Trial for Your Long Island Divorce?

Do You Really Need to Go to Trial for Your Long Island Divorce?

Do You Really Need to Go to Trial for Your Long Island Divorce?

If you and your spouse have decided to get a divorce on Long Island, did you know that you don’t necessarily have to go to trial?  Here’s what you can try first and how to know if a trial may, in fact, be the best option considering your circumstances. (more…)

Filing Bankruptcy Before or After Getting a Long Island Divorce

Filing Bankruptcy Before or After Getting a Long Island Divorce

Filing Bankruptcy Before or After Getting a Long Island Divorce

Divorce and bankruptcy are often closely related on Long Island. Couples who file bankruptcy may later get a divorce due to financial distress, while individuals who get a divorce may file bankruptcy as a result of being left with a lot of debt after the divorce. If you know you’re likely going to get a divorce and file for bankruptcy, which one do you do first? The answer varies depending on the details of your situation. Here’s what you should know about choosing between filing for bankruptcy before or after getting a divorce on Long Island. (more…)

What Not to Do Before Getting a Divorce on Long Island

What Not to Do Before Getting a Divorce on Long Island

What Not to Do Before Getting a Divorce on Long Island

Your actions before your divorce can have a significant impact on the process of dissolving your marriage on Long Island. You could put yourself at a financial disadvantage or make it more difficult for the judge to sympathize with you. Here’s what you shouldn’t do before getting a divorce — and one thing you should. (more…)

Do I Need Legal Separation Before I Get a Divorce On Long Island?

Do I Need Legal Separation Before I Get a Divorce On Long Island?

Do I Need Legal Separation Before I Get a Divorce On Long Island?

Legal separation on Long Island is an excellent tool that couples facing marital challenges can use to determine if they would benefit from ending their marriage. It’s less expensive than filing for divorce and is a good first step. But do you have to have a legal separation before you get a divorce? Or can you go straight to court, do not pass go, do not collect $200? (more…)

5 Most Commonly Disputed Issues in Long Island Divorces

5 Most Commonly Disputed Issues in Long Island Divorces

5 Most Commonly Disputed Issues in Long Island Divorces

Making the decision to get a divorce is not something to be taken lightly, even if it seems as though you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse are in agreement about most of the issues at hand. A divorce tends to bring out issues that couples often haven’t thought of and aren’t sure where they stand or how they feel about them. They may realize that they disagree with their ex, potentially leading to a contested divorce. Here are the 5 most commonly disputed issues in Long Island divorces and how you can get the help you need when you and your ex don’t agree on a critical matter. (more…)

What Are the Grounds for Divorce on Long Island?

What Are the Grounds for Divorce on Long Island?

What Are the Grounds for Divorce on Long Island?

If you’re considering the possibility of getting a divorce on Long Island, it’s important that you understand some of the basics of New York divorce law. Explore the grounds for divorce and decide which option best describes your unique situation. Then, contact an experienced family law firm to help guide you through the process of filing for divorce in Long Island and inform you of what your next steps should be.

Long Island Grounds for Divorce

In New York State, a few basic criteria must be met before you can file for divorce. You must meet the residency requirement, and you must also have a legally acceptable reason for divorce, also known as “grounds“. (more…)

Talking to Your Children About Divorce Is Emotional But Critical

Talking to Your Children About Divorce Is Emotional But Critical

Talking to Your Children About Divorce Is Emotional But Critical

There are a lot of logistical and financial issues surrounding divorce on Long Island but the emotional issues are just as important, especially when there are children involved.

When a couple decides to divorce, they are often very focused on finances, division of property, and custody issues with their children. Those are all highly important, but there’s another aspect that too often gets overlooked, and lost in the shuffle. All of the emotional concerns that also come along with the decision to separate, and those emotions can strongly affect the children in the home. That’s especially true of younger children who may not understand the process and why it’s happening, but affects older children too.

Here are some things you and your spouse should consider talking to your children about to help them process any fears they have or questions they may have.


Is the Internet Destroying Your Marriage on Long Island?

Is the Internet Destroying Your Marriage on Long Island?

Is the Internet Destroying Your Marriage on Long Island?

Can the Internet & Technology Cause the Breakdown of Your Marriage?

”The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence” is a phrase most Long Islanders have heard, and at times even understood. For our purposes, the “grass” is the temptation outside of the marriage. This is an issue as old as marriage itself, however, the pervasiveness of the Internet in our lives today, including online chat forums, online gaming and Internet dating sites, multiplies the temptation opportunities immeasurably. You don’t even have to leave your house or be anywhere near the source of the temptation. It’s on your computer or traveling with you on your phone. Today’s technology allows unhappy spouses to readily seek comfort, sympathy and reassurance outside of the marriage or relationship, which heightens the sense that the grass is in fact greener online. (more…)