Divorce Lawyer Blog, Long Island, NY
How Can I Get Alimony Terminated on Long Island, NY?
In many Long Island, NY divorces, a higher-earning spouse may be ordered to pay alimony or spousal support to the other. This is almost always temporary support, but the timing and conditions under which spousal support ends varies between cases. Here’s what to know...
Can Single Dads Get Alimony on Long Island NY?
The number of households headed by single fathers has grown exponentially in the last couple of decades. In 1960, only about 1 percent of families had a single father, but that number more than quintupled to 8 percent in 2013 (Pew Research Center). In 2017, it rose to...
Parallel Parenting: A Viable Option for High-Conflict Divorces
Parenting after divorce can be extraordinarily challenging, especially if you and your ex don’t really get along and can’t communicate effectively. If this is your situation, parallel parenting might be a viable option. If you’ve never heard of the term “parallel...
How Video Visitation Can Keep Families Connected
Child Custody and Visitation are often two of the most challenging aspects of divorce for Long Island, NY families. Family dynamics are constantly changing and sometimes this means the old ways of doing things just don’t work in many circumstances anymore. For many...
How to Prioritize Your Divorce Issues on Long Island, NY
Navigating a Long Island, NY divorce can be complicated with multiple issues that need your attention, seemingly at the same time. How do you decide which ones are the most important to address first? What are you willing to compromise and what hills are you willing...
Answer Your Long Island, NY Divorce Petition the Right Way
If you were blindsided by your spouse serving you with divorce papers, you might not be sure what to do next or how you should respond. Below, we go over what you need to know and how our Long Island, NY divorce attorneys can help you navigate the process of...
What to Do If You’re Being Alienated from Your Child
One of the most heartbreaking things that can happen to a parent during a divorce is becoming alienated from their children. Sadly, this alienation often caused by the actions of the other parent in an effort to “get back at” or enact retribution for perceived prior...
How to Talk to Your Adult Kids About Your NY Divorce
Getting a divorce later in life can be particularly challenging, especially when you consider all the additional assets that come with being more established in life. Things like jointly owned property, home businesses, and retirement plans can really complicate a...
How Courts Evaluate Fathers in Child Custody Cases in NY
Getting divorced is an emotional and stressful experience for all involved, but as a divorced or divorcing father you have special and unique concerns. One of the biggest issues for divorced dads on Long Island, NY are issues surrounding child custody and child...
Do I Have To Split My 401(k) In My New York Divorce?
If you are considering getting a divorce and have money in a retirement fund like a 401(k), you may be concerned about being forced to split your assets with your spouse. Whether or not this will apply to you is based on your individual circumstances – here’s what you...