The Top 5 Reasons Why Couples Divorce in New York

There are a multitude of reasons why couples in New York end up getting divorced. Sometimes a couple divorces because of lack of communication, while other times the relationship ends as a result of infidelity, or even because one spouse just doesn’t want to be in a committed relationship anymore.
There are dozens of potential reasons to end a marriage. Below, we discuss the top 5 reasons why couples on Long Island, NY seek to dissolve their marriages and how you can get affordable legal assistance at Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. when you need it most.
Divorce Reason #1: The Economy
Money, or a lack of it, often causes extreme stress in a relationship. With financial struggles, each partner may blame the other for their financial woes and resentment builds up with the inability to pay the bills. Couples can gradually lose their motivation to stay together, especially if one partner is working much harder than the other to earn or save money.
This is a common issue today. While money doesn’t buy happiness, in most cases when couples divorce over financial difficulties, the divorcing couples are not very wealthy. Couples may argue about how much money they spend or save, and a floundering economy can add even more stress. Financial problems are arguably considered the number one contributing factor for getting a divorce in America and it seems that this trend is here to stay, especially as the economy continues to struggle.
Divorce Reason #2: Lack of Communication
Problems with a lack of communication can be caused by many different things. One spouse may not feel like they are being understood by the other, so they might stop talking altogether. The other partner might keep talking, but only about what they want to hear. Even couples who appear to be communicating, may be talking “at” their parntner, not “with” their partner. This is an issue of not listening to or hearing their spouse. If one, or both, spouses are not listening to the other and hearing their concerns, the other often gives up trying to communicate at all.
Lack of understanding could also come from a language barrier or from disagreements on how often the couple should communicate in person, over the phone or via text or video chat. It’s important that couples understand that a lack of communication is a major cause of eventual divorce.
Divorce Reason #3: Lack of Trust
It is important to understand what the loss of trust means in a marriage. If one spouse is acting aloof or distant, the other may feel like their partner can’t be trusted or they are always doing things behind their back. When this is the case, it can be impossible to get to a place where they can work through their issues with one another.
The way we manage our personal affairs, as well as how we interact with others, often reflects our level of trust with ourselves and in others. Loss of trust in a marriage could be a sign that the couple isn’t on the same page or may be ready to move on from one another.
Divorce Reason #4: Infidelity
Infidelity is an all too common occurrence in marriages these days, and it is often incredibly damaging to the relationship. Infidelity can take many forms, from sexual relations with someone other than your spouse, to looking at pornographic images or videos. Most people think of cheating as strictly sexual, but what infidelity means can differ widely between couples. Many spouses feel that emotional cheating is “worse” or more significant than having a physical affair, especially if the cheating spouse has fallen in love with their other partner.
If you’re married and one of you has been unfaithful, you may be able to take steps to repair the damage and restore the trust in your marriage. But sometimes, the damage is already done if trust cannot be re-established there’s often nothing more that either spouse can put into the marriage to save it.
Divorce Reason #5: Unequal Distribution of Domestic Labor
If you’re like many other married couples on Long Island, NY one of your biggest fights is about who does what around the house. For example, if one spouse works and the other stays at home, one of you may feel like there is a significantly unequal distribution of the domestic labor.
The primary financial contributor may feel that they shouldn’t need to do household chores because they are out earning the money to support the household, while the spouse who stays home may feel that they are always working 24/7 to keep the household running smoothly and the primary financial contributor is only making the work harder when they could be helping.
Recent studies have shown that married couples who share the responsibility of household chores tend to be happier and more committed to each other, so it’s no surprise to learn that an unfair distribution of household labor can quickly lead to divorce.
When to Contact a NY Divorce Attorney for Guidance
If you are considering divorce on Long Island, NY it is important to understand your legal rights and options. Contacting an attorney can help you understand when and how to proceed with your case. A consultation with one of our experienced lawyers will help you determine what steps are necessary to protect your interests during divorce proceedings. Dial 631-923-1910 or fill in the short form on this page today to make your appointment.
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