Who is Responsible for the Marital Debt In a Long Island Divorce?
Who is Responsible for the Marital Debt In a Long Island Divorce?
As a Long Island Divorce Lawyer, I have heard hundreds of scenarios for how a spouse learns their partner wants to end the marriage and get a divorce. Of course, usually it is not a total surprise and both spouses knew the marriage was in trouble, but when it comes right down to it, hearing it in all it’s finality is a blow and starts your mind racing.
Essentially, it boils down to something like you come home from work one day to hear your spouse say the words “I want a divorce.” Naturally, hundreds of thoughts are racing through your mind, what about the kids, the house, and the family pet? Who will the children spend Christmas and Thanksgiving with; can I still take them to my mom’s in Florida? These thoughts are natural and practically immediate upon hearing those words. What is not usually so natural and immediate are the thoughts about what happens to the $27,000 worth of credit card bills your spouse incurred on your joint credit accounts only three weeks earlier.