5 Key Issues for which You Need a Divorce Lawyer

5 Key Issues for which You Need a Divorce Lawyer

5 Reasons You Need a Divorce Lawyer on Long Island

5 reasons you need a divorce lawyer

When family issues arise, it may be difficult to know if they require the expertise of a Long Island attorney or if they are problems you can work out on your own. Here are five issues you definitely need a divorce attorney for and how to get the help you need now.


Give Your Divorce Attorney the Tools They Need to Get the Result You Want

Give Your Divorce Attorney the Tools They Need to Get the Result You Want

Give Your Divorce Attorney the Tools They Need to Get the Result You Want

When you hire an experienced Long Island divorce lawyer, you expect that they’ll be able to handle your case without issue. In most cases this is true, but they can only work with the information and tools you provide them about your specific case. Even the most skilled family law attorneys need a few things to work with to get you the best possible result you need and deserve. 

Here are some tools you can give your attorney to help you get the results you want out of your divorce case. 


How to Save Time & Money on Divorce Lawyer

How to Save Time & Money on Divorce Lawyer

How to Save Time & Money on Divorce Lawyer

How Not to Waste Your Long Island Divorce Lawyer’s Time 

Hiring a divorce lawyer or family law attorney is a significant investment of time and money. The old saying “Time is money” is never more appropriate than when working with any attorney. The more time a lawyer has to spend on your case, the more money it will cost you. Make sure you’re not wasting your lawyer’s time — and your money — when working together to dissolve your marriage. Here are some tips to keep interactions with your attorney effective and efficient, and where to get comprehensive legal support when going through a divorce.

Free New York Divorce Lawyer Consultation

#1. Correspond with Your Divorce Lawyer via Email Whenever Possible

Generally, most attorneys charge by the hour. It takes less time to answer an email than it does to return a call and have a conversation with you, meaning that you end up paying more to get the same information. When you can, use email correspondence as a primary means of communication with your Long Island divorce lawyer.

#2. Need to Call Your Divorce Lawyer? Prepare Your Questions Ahead of Time

Sometimes calling is just unavoidable. Keep the conversation on track by preparing the questions you have ahead of time, so you can easily go down the list of what you’d like to know and your attorney can answer each.

You could also consider arranging a call first via email and sending your lawyer a copy of the questions you plan to ask. This way, they can have the information about your case ready at the time of the call and aren’t spending time on the call looking for it. You’ll likely still be charged for the time it takes to do the research, but it’s typically more efficient if your lawyer can do it prior to the meeting.

#3. Come to Lawyer Meetings Prepared with Documents

If you’ve scheduled an in-person meeting with your lawyer, ask them ahead of time what documents you should bring. Obtain copies of these records in advance of your meeting, ideally even sending them to your attorney ahead of time, so they can review them before the meeting.

What you don’t want to do is meet with your lawyer to discuss what documents to gather, then meet with your lawyer again to read over them, and potentially again to discuss what they mean for your case. Instead, your in-person meetings should be spent talking about information you’re both already familiar with, so the time can be used to strategize solutions.

#4. Read the Fine Print of Your Divorce Lawyer’s Agreement

Before retaining a New York divorce lawyer or family law attorney, read the fine print of any contracts or agreements that you sign. Make sure your contract outlines how and when you can communicate with your lawyer within the agreed upon cost. Ask if there are any additional fees for paperwork, copy services, etc. and if you go beyond a certain threshold, if you will be charged an hourly rate.

Some people are under the misconception that discussing cost with an attorney is offensive or uncouth, but your lawyer would much rather be clear and upfront about what you both can do and how you can work together to achieve your goals.

#5. Hire a Knowledgeable Long Island Divorce Lawyer

The most important thing you can do is hire an experienced, knowledgeable divorce attorney to handle your case. An attorney that has been working with families for years is far more efficient with their time than a lawyer that just passed the bar exam.

This means that they’ll likely be able to do the work needed to process your case in fewer hours, reducing the overall end cost of getting a divorce. Ask your lawyer how many divorce cases similar to yours they have represented and out of those, how many were successful. You can also ask your lawyer how long their average case takes and/or how long they expect your case to take.

Call Hornberger Verbitsky, PC Today for a Consultation

Although getting a divorce is typically a difficult or unpleasant experience, the divorce attorney you choose to represent you can make the difference in how your case moves forward and ultimately, how much time and money you both spend on the case.

At Hornberger Verbitsky, PC, we have the skills and expertise to offer you comprehensive family legal representation for Long Island divorce cases, child custody and visitation cases, paternity, spousal support or alimony, and more. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation to discuss a strategy for upcoming divorce. Call now at 631-923-1910 or fill out the short form on this page and we’ll get right back to you to schedule your appointment at a time that’s convenient for you.

Call 631-923-1910 or fill in the form below

Get your complimentary consultation and case evaluation with our experienced attorneys today.

Your attorney will describe the many options available and determine together which is the right solution for you. By the end of this  conversation, we’ll all understand how we can best help you to move forward.

No Cost or Obligation

There is no cost or obligation for this initial consultation. It is simply an opportunity for us to get to know each other, answer your questions and learn if Hornberger Verbitsky, P.C. is right the right law firm for you. Give us a call at 631-923-1910 or fill in the short form below for your free consultation and case evaluation.

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How to Hire the Right Long Island Divorce Attorney

How to Hire the Right Long Island Divorce Attorney

How to Hire the Right Long Island Divorce Attorney

If you are in the process of dissolving your marriage, or are simply considering the possibility of getting a divorce on Long Island, the idea of hiring a family law attorney can seem overwhelming. The divorce lawyer you hire has a significant impact on the overall outcome of your case, particularly when it comes to critical matters like child custody, child support, alimony, and property division.

Here are several things to keep in mind when meeting with various family law firms and how to choose an attorney that is the best fit for you


Why Is My Long Island, NY Divorce So Expensive?

Why Is My Long Island, NY Divorce So Expensive?

Why Is My Long Island, NY Divorce So Expensive?

Divorces on Long Island are well-known for being expensive, but do you know why there’s this perception? Here’s a review of what can increase the cost of your divorce, how you can keep your expenses down, and why the most commonly recommended way to cut divorce costs could end up with you footing a larger bill in the long run. (more…)

Before Choosing a Family Law Attorney or Divorce Lawyer

Before Choosing a Family Law Attorney or Divorce Lawyer

How to Select a Divorce Lawyer or Family Law Attorney on Long Island

before selecting divorce family law lawyer

If you’re considering getting divorced, working with a Long Island family law attorney or divorce lawyer is critical. Your attorney can be a great asset to you if you select the right one. Here’s what to understand about choosing a divorce attorney:

Long Island Divorce Options

Before selecting an attorney to represent you in your divorce, it’s important to understand what options are available to you and to have realistic expectations of the entire process. If you choose a family law lawyer who is skilled in divorce mediation because you want to resolve your divorce amicably, but your ex-spouse contests nearly every aspect of the divorce, you could be stuck litigating a settlement with an attorney who doesn’t have the expertise to represent you in the courtroom.

Here’s what you need to know about aligning your options for divorce with your goals and your current situation to choose a Long Island divorce lawyer that best fits your needs: (more…)

5 Ways to Get a Fair Divorce Settlement on Long Island

5 Ways to Get a Fair Divorce Settlement on Long Island

5 Ways to Get a Fair Divorce Settlement on Long Island

When you’re heading into a Long Island divorce, it’s natural to feel apprehensive and unsure of what you should do next. You’re in unfamiliar territory, which can be made harder if your spouse is being difficult or is unwilling to compromise. You may be worried that you won’t get a fair divorce settlement and you’ll be left with little to nothing to start your new life with. Here are 5 effective strategies to help you present your best case for a settlement that you and your lawyer decide is appropriate. (more…)

Importance of Client Narrative for Your Long Island Divorce Attorney

Importance of Client Narrative for Your Long Island Divorce Attorney

Importance of Client Narrative for Your Long Island Divorce Attorney

Why the Client Narrative is So Important

One of the key pieces of information your Long Island divorce attorney will need to best represent you in your divorce is known as a “Client Narrative”. Your help in providing a descriptive story of your family will prove to be invaluable to your case. Your attorney’s ability to effectively represent you depends on the information available to him or her. Therefore, in order to successfully handle the many important issues surrounding your divorce, it’s critical that you provide your attorney with a detailed history of your marriage. In doing so, you should provide the following information: (more…)

Is it Time to Change Your Long Island Divorce Attorney?

Is it Time to Change Your Long Island Divorce Attorney?

Is it Time to Change Your Long Island Divorce Attorney?

Many of our clients come to our Long Island Divorce & Family Law firm after beginning their divorce with another attorney. For one reason or another, they are unhappy with their present attorney and wish to make a change. This is a more common occurrence than you might think. If you find yourself unhappy with your current divorce lawyer, you should not hesitate to find a new one. You are the one who is ultimately responsible for the quality of your representation. Going through a divorce with a divorce attorney who you feel is not doing their job effectively, is extremely difficult, unnecessary and you will likely be saddled with the results for years to come. There is no reason for you to continue to struggle through a divorce while simultaneously being unhappy with your attorney. (more…)

Long Island Divorce Attorney Explains Major Divorce Issues

Long Island Divorce Attorney Explains Major Divorce Issues

Divorce Attorney Consultation

As a Divorce Attorney and Divorce Mediator on Long Island, I meet with many individuals and couples who have no idea of the myriad of issues they will have to address in their divorce. Although every divorce is unique and has its own issues, there are a number of items that are common to all divorces. The following is a list of some of the major issues you and your spouse you will need to come to terms with in order to get a divorce on Long Island, New York.